Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication

Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun behind it, to place individuals under their thumbs. Both unlawful and illegal in the United States of America; yet such a War on Paper has been waged against parents entitled to basic human dignity, rights, just like the alleged children those tyrants use against them to unlawfully deprive them of the simple truth of being a human being. Bahji Adams, spent upward of a decade fighting the illusion of freedom being subjected to abuse under color of law, by individuals in the system who profited off her, her son, and countless other individuals. When the system, pursuant to public law 93-647, was used under color of law to take away everything she had, including her name, her privacy, her right to peacefully protest and protect the laws of a nation she held dear within her heart, this blood ran from the cuts that individuals used via paper against her all so they could make profits off of her and her son to no end, if that is not corruption, then what in this lifetime is.

On or about October 21st, 2016 or thereabout Kristen Vanckren, on behalf of the Office of Child Support claims that the Office of Child Support for the State of Vermont became aware of  Bahji's rights to sue Delta Airlines, Inc for claims arising out of her being forced to take medical leave. Kristen Vanckren, in prior court hearings claimed to the Superior Court of Chittenden County, State of Vermont, Family Division that Bahji had "willfully" refused to continue working at Delta Airlines. The docket for the Court, demonstrates that the court and OCS has prior knowledge of the rights, standing, and grounds for Bahji Adams to sue Delta Airlines, Inc for claims arising out of those events dating back to June 2014, or thereabout.

Instead of informing the court that she had knowingly placed before it false-statements of material fact regarding Bahji's ability to comply with the alleged child support order, she knowingly simulated illegal process, using the court system in which to continue to abuse what law defines as a "vulnerable adult" per public law 93-647, of the Social Security Act, FFP, Funds, allotted by Congressional mandate. Kristen makes it a point, to attempt to testify to general simple statements, via a format generally used by American Jurisprudence, which is an encyclopedia of the Untied States Law governing the statements of claims pertaining to American With Disabilities Act. What she does is actually demonstrate how she continually used Bahji's traumatic Brain Injury as a way in which to simulate abuse through the legal process by refusing to "bend the knee" to the American with Disabilities Act and providing reasonable accommodations to access the Office of Child Support alleged programs and services by discriminating against Bahji's cognitive inabilities to accurately articulate using the English Language. Kristen did this as well when Bahji requested discovery of Adam Todd George and his wife Jan Soper George's income, assets, required for any alleged modification and as defenses to the abuse that Bahji was being subjected to through their use of simulating illegal process for their personal abuse.

What is required under the American with Disabilities Act, per standing is that at the time of the adverse employment action, the individual was qualified and able with or without accommodations to preform the essential job functions for employment. Kristen, an attorney, regardless of the language used, would have known the law, or should have known that law regardless of Bahji's inability at that time to put the words, "at the adverse action", "relevant time(s)", or any other similar language in-order to state that at the "adverse employment action" she was qualified and able with or without accommodations to preform the essential job functions. Kristen, "highlights" this bias on her part to the Court in Motion, exhibit, in that, "she has a general ability to preform the job requirements with or without accommodations and Delta, Inc." to which she cuts off her highlighted portion which further then uses the language, "denied". The law requires, at such time as adverse employment action the individual "has", and that the "denial" was based on discrimination as the individual at that time "has" the abilities for the job requirements. Stated another way, the individual at the time of the adverse employment events, "had" the abilities with or without accommodations. The time in question was around or about June 2014, when the Office of Child Support had OVER-GARNISHED her income.

Kristen also points out to the court material facts which are untrue claiming that Bahji, three weeks after the Court issued findings of her inability to pay the alleged child support that she "rushed out" and "filed" a claim against Delta Airlines, Inc, when in fact that statue of limitations was set to expire, literally one day after, or thereabout, the filing with the Court the Complaint. Not only does she attempt to paint the falsehood that Bahji was claiming she "could work", she knowingly uses that simulation of illegal process to harass, discriminate, threaten Bahji's rights to exercise her rights in another court against a party who has damaged her, in multiple claims, still pending before the Court and noticed on the New York record. Stated another way, Kristen not only used her position with the Office of Child Support, the state, to continue to abuse Bahji through the simulating of illegal process within the family court, she used those threats to place further fear into Bahji for standing her grounds against employment discrimination which she told the family court, did not happen in not so many words, by stating that Bahji willfully refused to work at that time, when the truth is Bahji has multiple impairments, which trigger her many rights to benefits in many facets of life. She clearly not only committed malpractice, she knowingly used her position with the state, using paper, with the force of a gun, holding it to Bahji's head to strip her of her rights in any facet or forum.

In Bahji's amended complaint she clarifies the legal requirement which is that the adverse employment actions took place at that time, the language which Kristen Vanckren attempted to abuse Bahji for a second time, alleged criminal contempt of court. It was about October 21st, 2016 that Kristen Vanckren did knowingly contact Delta Airlines, Inc and discussed Bahji, without any lawful right, for further harassment, and in-violation of all law, Bahji's right to privacy, her 4th Amendt., 5th Amendt. 8th Amendt, 7th Amendt, and 14th Amendt, among her 1st Amendt, but not limited to so many other rights Kristen did knowingly encroach, trample, and intend to infringe upon. This one event, is enough to place Delta Airlines, Inc and anyone acting on their behalf within the "arm", "actions" of the State,as if they are the actions of the state and subjects them to 1983 Claims for violations of conspiracy to deprive Bahji of her multiple rights. This abuse under color of law nearly took Bahji's life and to-date not one of them has been held accountable, yet Bahji's life has been completely destroyed, her multiple rights, her privacy more than trampled, infringed upon. Her basic human dignity and human rights more than stripped away from her, through the torment of the gun which has been used behind the lies, the sophistication on paper. Delta claims they, "condemn all human rights abuses", apparently they only speak falsehoods, using paper in which to "market" themselves as being "good", for they attempted to use the abusive case in the family courts as pretext in which they claimed before the Court in January of 2016 or thereabout that they had "terminated" Bahji. Even to-date, she continues to get employee mail from Delta Airlines, that latest, Delta saying it will implement "facial recognition" for boarding in some of their main hubs.

The truth is Bahji has had any human rights stripped from her in a country of the "free" by multiple parties, persons, and corporations, subjecting her to torment and pain and they all justify their actions by calling themselves civilized. For upward of a decade she exposed the abuse on multiple court records, when the truth is this destructive seed against the national community has been planted long ago and has sprouted its roots and only through education, enlightenment, and quieting the mind will the masses be able to do anything about it. The corporations, the government has nothing when individuals practice quieting the mind, when they stop consuming, when they stop working, when they boycott the abuse that has been planted, until then, the cycle of abuse, the wheel will continue. The one thing corporations and the government can not live without is the masses, yes, the individuals who make the masses, until the masses protest in the millions the system will continue to feed itself. What is happening is that government corporations and private corporations believe that they don't need the masses, until the day when the masses abide in the strength of it's numbers, with the empowerment feed from within, will the day the government and corporations wake up to the fact that they can not run without the people, peopling. So just stop it, abide in silence, just sit with all the false words that they have feed into your mind, found within the human head.

Pospislaw Blog ADA Suit Survives

Pospislaw Adams v Delta Airlines, Inc Survives Dismissal

Youtube Child Support: The Power of Paper

Delta Airlines, Inc Complaint

Delta Claims They Are Against All Human Rights Abuse Per Their Own Statements

Kristen Vanckren Vermont OCS Attempts at using Abuse Under Color of Law Interferance with Elected Rights to File Claims against Delta

Follow the Money

Evidence of Denying Office of Child Support Services Under Color of Law

The Trauma of your everyday life should be enough to Wake You the Fuck Up

Court Records Demonstrating Human Rights Violations via Abuse Under Color of Law

Motion Office Of Child Support to Dismiss and Terminate Services to Both Parties

Order Dismissing Services and Termination of Services

Lift the Veil and Break the Chain

Income Evidence of Alleged Custodial Parent

A Lawyer Explains Emotional Distress Claims

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The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication

Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun...