Thursday, June 13, 2019

Title IV-D State Actors using FFP Funds to Declare War on Parents

Title IV-D programs are granted FFP Funds and State Actors are using those funds to declare a paper war on parents regarding child support. The United States Supreme Court, Turner, to be exact, the highest law of the Land, said that behavior is a "no, no", in not so many words. The Executive Branches Judicial Branch clarified and codified into law that "critical issue" regarding an alleged non-custodial parents ability for "compliance" is fundamental to procedural and substantive governing laws. The following attachment was filed in the Federal Court of Vermont regarding the Title IV-D programs actions which used two State Agencies and two State Courts to unlawfully kidnap, via the War on Paper to implement terror in the unlawful restraint of Adams ability to retain her liberty and began the kidnapping of her financial, emotional, mental, and ultimately physical bodies for purpose of financial gain by the State Agencies and Adam Todd George.  

The Second Circuit refused to hear the issue of if alleged non-custodial parents are authorized by federal laws, statutory enacted by Congressional authority to have equal access to the Office of Child Support Programs and Services, which include the alleged right to modification for child support the alleged non-custodial parent is unable to comply with. 

The Motion for Rule 62.1 Indicative Ruling on Motion for Relief and Judicial Notice demonstrates the groupthink by the State actors to continually deny Adams relief of modification and access to alleged visitation with her minor child. She has not had the ability to foster a relationship with her minor child for multiple years. This is provided for educational purpose to awaken the public to the current state of affairs governing the U.S.A which is becoming and transcending into the "US" of the individual "A" where greed is rewarded and telling the "truth" is punished as a criminal act, eroding all reason and fundamental principles of American society. This culture is brainwashed, hypnotized, and fast asleep, and only through educating the public about Title IV-A Social Security Act loans to states which administers the child support pursuant to Title IV-D authority will anything transcend.

The following pleading addresses equal access to the programs and services of the Office of Child Support, modification of child support and equal access to the Office of Child Support Programs, it does not challenge any alleged Child Support Order, nor does it claim any lawful child support orders entered in accordance with any governing law. It does demonstrate the Ponzi scheme being enacted by actors using State-Federal Co-operative agencies in a concerted effort to destroy non-custodial parents lives, and what the FBI terms, "kidnapping" by using simulating legal process for unlawful abuse.

PDF of paperwar
Turner v. Rogers Oral Arugement


  1. It is more than just money, it is about a culture of enslavement by design of sophistication via abuse of power. The culture riddled with addictions, cutting off human beings from their hearts, by cutting off their body knowing hearts and making them enslaved in their heads. The culture reinforces the addictive "subtle body", the ego, which keeps society at large brainwashed, hypnotized, and fast sleep feeding the monkey-mind and calling it living the "good-life". Look at the other links, it links to a blog about the truth of the culture which is a dis-eased pool of contamination, everyone, wishing, willing in the sickness, calling it swimming and having a good time. Any mother in their right mind wouldn't dare have their child swimming in such sickness, yet this culture burns the Neuro-circuits for "people" to believe in their "mind", the ego, the "I".

  2. Ok if WoketheFu**Up!Alive please kindly refrain from posting anything on my timeline with vulgar language. I woke up a long time ago, because I grew up on the other side of the tracks. So contribute in a more positive way would be my suggestion.

  3. The words, you use, clearly still bind you...if you "believe" you have woke up, then you would have understood the "impact" of what you claim is "vulgar" language. Once again, the truth is your "ego" mind demonstrates your "own" inability to see the truth, you turn this forum into a debate about your own personal preferences instead of the truth, which is the account which you allow others to divide and conquer for the "likes" and "dislikes" of an ego feasting mind.

  4. Folks will not get past the headlines to read the article & get the message & truth of how corrupt the judicial system really is today. Example is not that bad characters abused FISA, but it's that FISA is an un-Constitutional weapon that should not exist. Do not get government weapons that they will surely use against individuals in pursuit of money, power & ultimately total control.

  5. That is like saying "don't" breathe for it will be used against an individual. They make up lies, that is what exposing corruption is about. "People" don't get past headlines, because they have been successfully cut off from their "hearts" by their "heads, believing they are their subtle body minds, the ego. Once again it is all words until it is put in practice. Practice of abiding in silence, quieting the monkey mind, calming the addictive beliefs that this culture in its advancements is actually behaving in civilized facets, when they grew up in "chaos" and as a result of such they are comfortably numb, calling it living "life" because their "lives" are comfortable, to bad if someone else is "suffering". It is a contaminated pool of "dis-ease", not natural selection. For natural selection, the abusers would be "killed", revolted against. This is much more subtle abuse so the masses are not even aware that it is being done to them until they are knee deep in the thick of the swamp of it. Once again, it is about the forum, about the content, keep it about the content or manners in how to assist in elevating other human beings and being the change.


The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication

Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun...