Friday, June 14, 2019

Evidence of Knowingly Denying Access to Office of Child Support Offices

     Death by a thousand paper cuts, the truth is hidden in the lies. Title IV-D is a federal funded State-Federal Co-operative, which many human beings are unaware of until that day of daily living, people peopling, comes knocking at the door to the matrix of a fixed reality. In this reality of the Social Security Act, the administration, of such public funds and state actors allegedly acting on the minor child or children's best interest, the virus spreads from being deeply rooted in the seed of the mind of men, stripping away at the fund-e-mental of a once great nation.

     The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement is bound to act responsibly within the laws of its own construction. One such construction is access to modification for both parents regardless of the status of term assigned to them as custodian. The Office of Child Support Enforcement, ("OCSE") in their Action Transmittal 93-30, Final Regulation, clearly established alleged custodial and non-custodial parents are able to access the services, programs, via rights for purpose of modification of alleged child support orders.

     This secret hidden away from the public domain has been the seed of great chaos, destruction, and abuse of simulating an alleged legal process by state actors to stimulate a financial reward for kidnapping behavior, as it amounts to the kidnapping first starting on paper. The new evolving Paper Wars, paving the way for the modern debtor's prison system of this modern civilization.

    The case of Adams v. The Vermont Office of Child Support is one such example of speaking the truth, no longer a radical act, it is a shovel in which one's grave is dug; leading to the dead killed by a thousand paper cuts slashed upon those individuals who only wished to be treated with human dignity, the rightmost individuals understand to be a structured foundation of a civilized society.

     Instead, she was unlawfully restrained, kidnapped for speaking the truth which the Title IV-D program actors all knew where their fiduciary responsibility to stop the onslaught of abuse directed at her. October 27th, 2015, see the letter below, the Vermont Office of Child Support withheld evidence regarding Bahji's medical impairments until after an alleged civil contempt hearing was held on October 25th, 2015 which resulted in the 1st unlawful incarceration, unlawful restraint of the actual body, forced into state-custody. Bahji had made ample request for modification with the Office of Child Support, she stood her ground, her Constitutional rights. The federal office of Child Support on its website shows Bahji had those rights, the evidence listed below, Brady evidence, demonstrates that the Vermont attorney, Kristen Vanckren had knowledge that Bahji was a dislocated worker since July of 2015 as well as having medically-verified medical disabilities months before the alleged hearing.  By law authorized statutorily enacted pursuant to federal rights, the laws warranted modification of an any alleged order by her instead of alleged enforcement measures.

    The OSCE, states, "representation", # 36. "What is the role of the IV-D agency in assisting noncustodial parents in modification proceedings under UIFSA? Answer: The IV-D agency must provide all appropriate services to individuals who apply (including noncustodial parents). If a noncustodial parent makes an application for services, all appropriate services must be provided. The applicant cannot pick and choose which services will be provided. If there is an existing IV-D case, there is no need for the noncustodial parent to apply for services to request review and modification of an order."

    The OCSE list this on their website, federal publication of the rules and regulations required to be provided to the public:

     The OCSE has known case-closure rules and regulations, location IX. Noncustodial parents applicants for IV-D services:

Pertaining to non-custodial parents: Regulation 302.33(a) "provides that child support services established under a State plan shall be made available to any individual who files an application for the services with the IV-D agency. The language in both the Act and the regulation allow noncustodial parents to apply for IV-D services if they file an application with the IV-D agency., as specified in 302.33(a)(1). It is OCSE policy that because the statute specifically states that any individual may apply for IV-D programs services, we cannot exclude a category of applicants. It would clearly be illogical to allow noncustodial parents to apply for services and not allow them to request case closure." 

   Despite this knowing, the attorney of record for the "State", Kristen Vanckren did knowingly subject Bahji Adams to torment, torture and pain with the intent to harm Adams, as she identifies in her own email to, at that time, Bahji's employer, Southwest Airlines, Inc. That although the Vermont Superior Court has 'withdrawn' the 'services' to be provided to 'both parties' by Court order on November 2016 or thereabout, Kristen intended to use the 'services' and 'programs' against Bahji Adams, after the Court ordered that no 'services' and 'programs' would be provided to either party.

Evidence of Email of intent to deny access to Modification

    In the email, Kristen Vanckren, attorney for the Office of Child Support, State of Vermont, states that the only way to stop the 'garnishment', the known abuse under color of law, was to have the alleged order modified, of which in the complaint filed in the Vermont Federal District Court demonstrates that all parties refused to allow Adams access to. Kristen claims, that "modification" is the only way to stop the Child Support Offices services, and she even makes reference to "sending" the issue to the Georgia Office of Child Support, via the 'interstate transmittal' of the 'two-state process', which she knowingly denied Bahji access to. By stating such "request" that Georgia sends an updated IWO, she violates the Vermont Superior Court Order of November 2016 and Federal Rules and Regulations pertaining to case closure, as well as Bahji's multiple Constitutional Rights. The same link above which speaks to the applications of non-custodial parents and case-closure states that in it's 'Preamble to the Final Rule on Program Standards (54 FR 32284, at 32303, August 4, 1989), showing it has been clearly established law dating back to 1989. Thus any individual state actor had knowledge that what they were doing attacking parents via Paper Wars is a form of domestic terrorism, inflicting terror upon a class of parents unable to avail themselves of the abuse. The OCSE states, "it", "means that services under the IV-D program will no longer be provided."

   Garnishments are 'leins' used in this modern days debtors prison system, Paper Wars, being used to knowingly kill by a thousand paper cuts. Be the change you wish to see by being that change.

Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts

Agency of Human Resources Letter October 29th, 2015 withholding evidence

Letter to OCS Dislocated Worker Evidence 2015

Turner v. Rogers Youtube Oral Argument

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