Monday, June 17, 2019

Income Evidence of a Man Title IV-D Claimed FFP Reimbursements for Alleged Enforcement

     The day a woman gets pregnant, is a day in which the legends of society say are the "happiest" moments of her life. That is if the illusion of the dream of meeting the "right" guy, getting married and settling down in that "white-picket fence" is actually not just the ideology sold in the fairy-tales told to children. In turn who grow up to be adults without the comprehension to actually have governance over their own abusively enculturated ego's, the mind of this sophisticated lie sold to the social culture. Basically, it isn't until they are damaged by others intentionally abusive behavior that they ever are able to grasp how anyone would knowingly hurt another human being to such lengths, depths, and depravity.

      In, order, to understand the injustice hidden deep in the basement of the foundations, rotten to the core, one must understand, have the ability to stand under the weight required to comprehend the strength is necessary. Required to break the chains of the enculturated, the mind, the ego. The moral sense, body, heart-knowing human beings would be able to comprehend that withholding information regarding a bonus, from a contract negotiation on November 20th, 2007, when the airline pilots had prior knowledge they would be voting on the contract, is intended to withhold and knowingly lie to a Court about financial information on an alleged scheduled hearing set for November 7th, 2007 for alleged divorce proceedings. The same with purchasing a house and refusing to disclose to the other in divorce proceedings. It is all too common in this modern day of civility, this sophistication in time, even when it need not be.

    That fancy, finger-tip quick google search, the flick, the stroke of the fingers, shows that in October, the agreement had all but been reached and it was just a matter of "formal" procedures to lead to the signing to make it official that, Adam Todd George, understood he would get a bonus check and a salary increase in a matter of time. November 2007 the union on his behalf knowingly signed the contract which he had already voted on or was set to vote on. He signed an alleged financial affidavit, in Cobb County, which failed to include the known bonus and increase in income. Despite the account that Bahji had requested on multiple occasions the discovery information pertaining to Adam Todd George, the Office of Child Support, and Kristen Vanckren, when Bahji requested discovery threatened Bahji with saying Bahji's email requesting discovery would be forwarded to "officials" as Kristen made statements that Bahji providing a "good-faith effort" in obtaining discovery for purpose of modification, was somehow making a "threat" to her regarding her blatant refusal to deny Bahji access to the office of child support programs, for purpose of modification which includes the incomes of both parties. The use of an office to claim something which is not accurate or true, and so far removed from its truth. The evidence of Mr. George's income is that of just under $100.00 an hour, per flight hour, with an anual income of upward of a six-figure salary and over the past decade has earned upward of 1 Million dollars in his own income derived from his employment as a pilot. Despite this, he believes that the "child support" of an additional $7,200.00 a year is "need" to reduce the alleged child from "needing" support in order to claim Title IV-D services, welfare services from the Office of Child Support, as remember his case was never listed as Non-IV-D according to State expenditures filed with the Federal government.

     Bahji, however, was by all definitions, "chronically homeless", pursuant to domestic violence, as defined by federal law; " each period separating the occasions must include at least 7 nights of living in a situation other than a place not meant for human habitation, in an emergency shelter, or in a safe haven". She was forced to live in "crew-operations" when communicating to work and the company did not send her on overnights, she paid for a hotel when she was able to "afford" such. She flew to stay with friends, on her off days, to crash on their couches, which meets no federal definition of a "safe place" to live.

    The point is the system is "rigged". It is designed so that the dis-ease is made, so that the system can administer the "cure". Until good-people actually start to abide in silence, quit the monkey mind and become the change by being the change in this once great nation, the almighty collective power of a civilized society, the issues will not change. Those in a position to abuse the ones who are most vulnerable, the people peopling, will continue to grow, as many witness today in this dis-eased circling wheel of a never-ending negative, abusive spiral in a downward direction into the depths of the abyss at the bottom of the vast and all crushing great ocean.

ASA Signing Bonus November 2007

Compensation for ASA Airline Pilot

Quick finger Tip Google Search

The Power of Silence

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