The truth shall set you free, the slogan of the Central Intelligence Agency, the private organization that acts on behalf of the "People" of the United States. Those people in the States of the union. Those words once upon a time meant something. The ideology that words become slogans used for marketing of a brainwashing of society creating more clones living in the neurosis of the individual ego, the mind, the "I" of society collectively becoming the iron-clad, harden rock built upon a fault-line and in the end it is just a matter of time when the true power underneath reminds the universal individuals of the truth of the force found within. Bottom-line is life is not about betrayal and suffering, it is about being a-live. The illusions sold is dis-ease wrapped in pretty gift-wrapping paper to present on the outside hiding the rotten core that is spoiling from within, hidden in plain site.
The truth is that freedom, true freedom is discipline practiced until there is absolute freedom from the mind, not freedom for the mind. Like building a house on a fault-line, the truth is not that there is no fault line, it is that an individual built a house upon the cliffs in which would bring about its own destruction and then cries saying in anguish, "why God", "why"; when the answer was there in the beginning, the individual refused to accept the fault line and its power would surface at some point in time. Waking the sleeping giant from within.
Growing up in a pool of sickness, calling it happiness and living the "good life" does not change what it truly is, it merely becomes an optical illusion played by a building of distortion of the truth in the mind, literal bio-chemical, energetic addiction to the mental sickness, regardless of the ideology gift basket it comes wrapped in.
Regardless of the words used to pervert the core of the being of this species, the body-knowing, the heart-cave is a source of unquenchable fire. The story of Bahji is shared for educational, enlightenment purposes. The individuals who say this is just a "natural" way of life, are the very individuals in which one needs to remove themselves from for they are the reinforcement of the sickness of the dis-ease of the planet which is eating not only the planet alive from the inside, it is feasting upon the organism, called the human being. Natural Selection is living in "harmony", being in harmony. Harmony is cooperation, not chaos and destruction which is rampant in the trauma of the so-called "everyday normal life". There is nothing normal about creating suffering and inflicting it upon another human being, it is barbaric, the behavior of a dark-ages, which is anything but civilized. When someone makes a slogan saying that suffering is a must for enlightenment, they fail to have a firm grasp or the necessary strength to comprehend what was rightfully stolen from them, a birth-right on being born into this world to grow out of it. It is all part of the lie which is culturally in-grained in the plaque pool of dis-ease, the ego, the mind. The reality is the culture has taught you via its ABCs to worship the mind, which is the dis-ease for the culture intentionally refused to teach you to harness its true unlimited powers. The ABCs created this "mind" "think" of chemical and neuro energy which become a subtle, extremely tangible, hardened branding classified by the outside of what one really "thinks" they are; stored in the physical part of the body, the brain. Yes, the reality is that the human being is not the mind, the mind was a gift to the body.
The evolution of our species was given the amygdala, that smart, superior part of the brain in which its only function was to KEEP the body alive. Even in its evolution, it isn't as smart as the heart cave, that body-knowing, which said, hey, what if this thing, we shall call, memory was downloaded to this brain's hard-drive, would it support the amygdala to act as a short-cut, short-hand script, or a link to respond even faster to keep the body alive. Then along came this language in order to communicate, what if this gets added, will it speed up the ability for the human to keep itself alive, it surely must since the memory of being able to remember the threats have worked out so well. This amazing tool, the word, the language was created in order to be a tool to keep the body alive, for the ability to respond to threats against the death of the body much quicker. Then out of language became this subtle body within the brain, the unseen yet acknowledged medical-mind, which ran amok creating havoc and chaos. This is what is seen within this modern culture, thus the slaying of the true natural selection, killing harmony and peace along with it for the dis-ease of this culturally induced all worshiped mind. Thus the birth of a Nation built upon a house of cards, which has destroyed the fundamental essence of empowerment which radiates from the inside.
The joke is the mind actually calls this a success, when the truth is it is the limitations of a dis-ease, no longer properly working mind. Medical Science, the practice of mental health, of the mind, has several words for this, however, insanity sums it up the best. Individual people walking around in their civilized enculturate minds, actually believe that this is the definition of living life and that insanity is for the mentally ill and they are unable to see the true reflection from the calm lake for their ability to see is extremely shallow. The truth is hidden in the lies, such as the documents attached to this blog showing the motion for Request for Dismissal and Withdraw of the Office of Child Support services against Bahji, after she filed three Federal Laws suits requesting equal access to the Office of Child Supports for purpose of access to programs and services she and the minor child could have benefited from. This Motion comes only after the Office of Child Support, state actors knowingly destroyed an innocent person's life. This is the lie within a lie that society says is okay by their justification that is it "normal" part of life for people to subject other individuals to known harm. Maybe in the dark ages of barbarians and savages, maybe, however in a world of "civilized" individuals, it is the sign of a Cult-group think mind, as Rose McGown, an advocate of the #metoo movement so sadly while gracefully articulates using that downloaded tool called language.
The truth shall set one free from the bondage of the veiled mind, when it sits with the pain inflicted by the justification of people, peopling. That is only the beginning of basic training, to deconstruct the dis-ease that a sick culture instilled within one's mind. Stories are shared as part of that program of keeping the species alive, and yet the truth of what a life truly is, continually is evaded by the language of a culture which has been suppressed by addictions of the original sin, for in the beginning was the Word; what they failed to inform human beings, was the word has power not only for when it is spoken, it has power literally coming from within. Pain, is a wake-up call and the modern trauma from this sick enculturated everyday life should be enough to wake this whole planet up; yet it is within these stories, stories of truth, such as Bahji's that the memory of the true threats are contained in. They show that this society, which claims to be so civilized is, in fact, barbaric, those barbarians rationalizing, justifying and selling you lies, in order to keep the Ponzi scheme "a-live".
In a modern great nation such as the Lady land of the "free", America, no one should ever have to die, to reveal the truth of some government, state actors lie(s), which impact the whole Nation at large. Sadly the suicide rate of non-custodial parents is 30 percent according to studies and that is just way too many lives taken all for the illusion of "paper". The truth is one too many. It is time to stop the abuse and change millions of adults and children lives by exposing truth, accepting it, and holding "our" "collective" "group" think of "customs" accountable in order for this nation of human beings to model what empowerment and liberation truly are in the truth of being alive.
When the Office of Child Support filed this motion with the Vermont Court, the Vermont Court granted its request. It is in-humane, terrorism at it's greatest, sickest level, under the guise of sophistication when it takes upward of a decade, time spent which no amount of slogan of linguistic saying will ever replace. Tremendous suffering, forcing one individual to take an untraveled road, of extreme torment and pain, inflicted upon them, for them to carry the weight of the world within their heart-cave, much like the images of Atlas Shrugged, for this species is advanced and civilized without the necessary strength to overcome the gravity of the cultures sickness to expose the truth of the deep-rooted dis-ease, when reality is the trauma of everyday life has gotten so rotten it should be enough, to wake all sentient human-beings the fuck up. That is, nor will ever be a normal structure to civilized life. The Office of Child Support motion shows the continued abuse, via the lie, and all that was required to continued the abuse is for "good" people to do nothing. That created the perfect storm in which Bahji's life was nearly taken, time and time again. There is nothing about that type of oppression which is "normal" to a civilized society, point blank it is a culture sickness. Running from this truth by slogans is just another lie in which to maintain the sickness, a continuous loop. The truth is present in the lies, so read, digest it, sit with it, and let it penetrate, piercing into your heart-cave, that is the fundamental manner in which empowerment speaks to all the living.
The TRUTH is culture is built by "customs" spoken and unspoken, hidden in plain sight. One such horrendous true story built off the back of an innocent human being shows that in November 2016 after being subjected to oppressive abuse under color of law, an innocent human being tormented, subject to extreme suffering, and pain, the Vermont Courts granted the motion for the Office of Child Support to "withdrawal" and "terminate" it's alleged services to both parties. Regardless of what any word or slogan says, it is suffering by another individual upon the flesh in the tangible world, the reality of another. When a society uses words to dilute the truth, much like water-down vodka, it does not change the truth of what it is, watered down vodka, it only encourages the lie that is sold, that is it vodka without the truth of it being watered down, exposed. To accept the truth of what it is is the way to true liberation and empowerment. To continue to deny what it is, denying empowerment keeps the iron-mask iron-clad upon the custom of the "think-tank" mind. The truth is this behavior is a "custom", "group-think" which is eroding a great nation of human beings and accepting responsibility for that is paramount in order for this "civilized" "nation" to transcend. Suffering does not have to present itself in life, for any human being to awaken, it is only the "group-think" mind which makes one say, "okay I will believe it", it is the ego of individuals selling more of the custom of the "ego", monkey-mind, disguise. The truth is the "consuming" world structure rest upon the masses becoming numb, comfortably to such lies sold to them, in which to sustain the "consumer", "drive", lifestyle, a custom within customs of alleged civilized pyramids.
The Motion from the Office of Child Support reads; "the OCS believes it is in the best interest of the child and the state to terminate services and proceedings." Congress enacted a law which addresses the issue of Plain Language and well word for word, the motion clearly states, the intent is granting to "terminate", "services" and "proceedings". With those words spoken, via the written language reduced to paper, Kristen Vanckren knowingly wrote an email to then, Bahji's employer SouthWest Airlines, whom she was on medical leave from, stating, "the document this employee sent you reflects that we dismissed an enforcement proceeding for non-payment of child support." The point is, the Court granted the "termination" and "withdrawal" of "services" and "proceedings"; after years of "unofficially", without any lawful authority denying her access to avail her self of the oppression, in a simple word, abuse. The motion was granted and yet the words in the email are used with intent to continue the Vermont Office of Child Support IWO effectuated as a service offered to Adam George, by the Office of Child Support, regardless of the Court order that services would no longer be provided to either party.
That behavior is known as "custom" which breeds the iron-clad culture group "think-mind", denying Bahji access to the Office of Child Support to bring resolution and solution to the abuse she had been suffering by being forced to attempt to access the Office of Child Support for purpose of alleged modification of the alleged order they purported to effectuate against her. This is the custom, the "group-think" of the beehive of that subtle "mind", the ego, the veil, the barrier between the "truth" and the multiple "lies", which distorts the vision, like muddy water in a glass which does not allow one to see with clarity. Only when the mud settles is the water clear enough to see the truth or truths from the lies.
Public Law 93-647
Link to Email Evidence of Kristen Vanckren regarding Services After VT Court Order for Dismissal
Let it Sink In
Vermont Office of Child Support Motion to Withdraw and Terminate Services
Order granting withdrawal and termination of services
Entertainment Version of Turner v. Rogers Oral Argument
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The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication
Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun...
The truth shall set you free, the slogan of the Central Intelligence Agency, the private organization that acts on behalf of the "Peopl...
Adam Todd George, the alleged custodial parent of the parties minor child, the biological father, in fact, wrote the Office of Child Su...
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