Wednesday, June 19, 2019

United States Supreme Court States Non-Custodial Parents have Rights to Procedural and Substantive Safeguards

In 2012, a man out of the Carolina's was imprisoned for 12 months, for alleged child support; willingly failing to pay according to the Plaintiff in the case. In the case, it was private parties regarding the dispute. If the man was really as low-income as the record says he was, and dealing with his own "addictions" which all compassionate rights, one would in good belief want to see him given assistance in order to build the strength to overcome them, then how was it he spent 12 months in jail for Civil Contempt of court, in which they claimed he could "purge" himself.

     The United States Supreme Court in oral argument said some interesting statements, mostly asking the question to the attorney general and the lawyer arguing on behalf of Turner, what if that Court,  the highest law in the land, stated that the program is broken and does not work. If that case before the court, gave the impression from the standpoint that the man had filed a pauper's affidavit filed in the court record and that attorneys claimed that was not enough evidence to prove the man did not have the means in which to pay the alleged child support, then why have the affidavits filed on the record to begin with.

    It clearly gives the impression that child support cases are in fact the debtor's prison system of the modern civilized society and will remain so until enough of the 11.5 million-plus growing single-parents unionize to grow together to bring about change.

   If one doesn't believe in the words on the paper, read and listen for yourself the United States Supreme Court decisions; clearly, don't take the bloggers written words for it. Do the research with the advancements of the click of the new age pen.

   On another note, the case of Hardwick in the State of California, appealed all the way to the United States Supreme Court made it clear that State Officials "lying" is beyond the scope of their employment of which they are not granted "absolute" immunity. The mother filed suit in the State of California, and won, which went to the United States Supreme Court, the Daughter filed suit in the Federal Courts. The links below show the United States Supreme Court refused to overturn the mother's rights which made it clear that State agency actors may not lie in any capacity, click on Hardwick for the website linked to the lawyer who stood up for Justice.

Turner v. Rogers
The Lying Case No Absolute Immunity for Violation of Law
The Lying Case Youtube
United States Supreme Court refused to overturn Jury award in Hardwick
Entertainment Version of Turner v Rogers Oral Argument

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