Thursday, June 20, 2019

Chronic Lower Back Pain and Sports Therapy

One of the most expensive disabilities in the commerce of the business of business is the break-down of individual bodies. Data from the CDC demonstrates that employers do have control over employees access to medical care and employer conditions to assist with the rehabilitation needs of individuals with chronic lower back pain. It just is not reinforced culture behavior in the workforce market. One such private program, which is advocating for the empowerment of individuals to assist in taking control of their own health, is the medical program at Dartmouth Hitcock grounded in "sports therapy" in the rehabilitation of chronic lower back pain. This means that the culture behind the old medical models, a belief system, must evolve with the actual physical implementation of the program.

In one medical publication, the medical theory that in some medical cases "resting" and "medication" actually makes the disabilities and chronic back pain worse. This was the case with Bahji; although the Office Child Support refused to acknowledge her medical bio-individuality needs and implementation, does not change what her medical needs have at all times been. While not all spinal medical cases will require such rehabilitation, and some will require surgeries, it does not negate that the medical decision(s) are the patients to make with the assistance of sound reasonable medical judgment. In Bahji's case, she was abused by the Office of Child Support for the very instances of implementing her rehabilitative needs governing her chronic low back pain, the disability they refused to believe. The medical publication acknowledges that passive "resting" makes the medical issue worse, in cases such as hers and yet she was called a "liar" for implementing physical therapies.  She was subjected to low socioeconomic status (with poor quality of life and limited resources) and the Office of Child Support and Adam Todd George created the dis-ease, the paper terrorism, by kidnapping her rights, stripping them away, starting on paper which leads to abuse under color of law manifesting in real-time physical reality; and in the end, accomplishing nothing towards the heart of the publicly enacted federal laws. Amounting to destroying an individual who wanted just to be able to "live" a "normal" American life, a right of what many consider a "civilized" nation to be, not just represent in a mirage of an ideology only, dead all but in the illusion of theories associated with the name of a once great country. 

The American with Disabilities Act was enacted to address the vulnerability of the species, so one would ponder what is the black-lash towards such a hatred for those individuals who stand their grounds for access to such enacted authorities and powers granted by Congressional enactment.


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