Wednesday, July 10, 2019

How Abusers Use the Return of the Debtor's Prison Against their Victims

Adam George, used the Domestic Violence System Against Bahji. He was able to do this because the Court systems allowed it. He knowingly used a phone service in a manner somehow to have her phone make return calls when she went to go check her voicemail. Her phone records never showed that she dialed his phone number during the two weeks "stay away protective order" prior to a hearing for a continued permanent stay away order; which due to lies and manipulation of Adam Todd George's divorce counsel, Scott Kaye, she was forced to submit to a least what would or should have been some protection in the form of a "no contact", "mutual" "stay away order" due to his attorney going into court to claim that she had contacted him after she sought relief from the Court system for domestic violence protections. He filed through his divorce attorney Scott Kaye, a counter claim saying she was the one abusing him. Bahji's then attorney Barry Billington, agreed to terms of the alleged "mutual stay-away" order, which domestic violence advocates say are the worst thing the justice system can do for victims of domestic violence, as it sets up the abuser to be able to continue to abuse the victim through the procedural process of the using the system. Bahji, had no understanding or ability to grasp this, she just wanted Adam George to stop being abusive towards her. For some reason attorneys seem to agree to things that are not in the best interest of their clients, and in this case, Bahji does not recall giving consent, as she was clearly experiencing undue influenced that is.

Adam wanted Bahji held in contempt of court for a debt once again. This pattern of his hatred to her seems to continually present itself in the continual loop of multiple accounts of many different types of evidence. See Link below of the Debt. Bahji can not control the decision of another individual to not preform service which she is unable to afford, yet that is exactly what Adam wanted, her held in contempt of court for a debt, knowing she had multiple disabilities and no income to support it, let alone herself. Pretty sure there is criminal law against such type of behavior directed at Bahji by Adam George, yet guess this nation never really learned from the history of Nicole Brown just wanting to be left alone from her "own estranged ex husband". What is clear, is sadly, history for domestic violence victims seems to repeat themselves. Clearly economic oppression and abuse would fit this massive bill, called the modern day debtors prison system, or more like political oppression.

The following link shows that Adam George attempted to use the following alleged medical evaluation, due to a "debt", as Bahji refusing to honor an alleged agreement, when she was being subject to domestic violence, to once again attempt to tarnish her reputation. When someones subject to domestic violence and the system is used against them, they like a bear in a bear trap will literally eat their own flesh off to escape from the abuse which is happening to them, and this is happening daily in the so called "civil" of civilized Court systems. How that is not placing an individual under clear duress is just another example of how barbaric it all truly is.

The truth is that Bahji has no issue staying away from Adam George, victims actually do everything within their power, they will defend themselves like a mamma bear against a nasty grisly. Victims of domestic violence just want to protect themselves from ever having to do anything with their abusers again, which is why victims walk away from them and often end up dead when they attempt to leave them. Even mamma bears know best when to walk around a fight, it doesn't mean they won't fight a grisly three times their size, it just means they clearly have the heart knowledge of when to avoid a fight. It was clear however that someone on behalf of Adam George was stalking her at her employment of Comair Holding, Inc., perhaps Katie Holder, who may have gotten married and had a son herself. This individual asked a ramper, you know those individuals who handle passengers bags which go in the back of the planes, if Bahji was still working at the airline, as she had a son about Bahji's son age, according to this "woman" she wanted her son to play baseball with Bahji's minor child that Bahji was being denied access to, unlawfully. Well come to find out, a lady named Katie has a son who is really into baseball, this was unknown to Bahji, as Bahji did not have contact with Adam, his family, or his friends, she merely wanted him to stop abusing her.

The Department of Justice has said that this type of behavior in not so many words, is a "no, no", it is not civilized to punish any individual due to an alleged debt. That the Debtors Prison System is a "no, no", giving notice to Courts and Attorneys do not do it, as it is Constitutional Infringement. They state, Court must safeguard against Unconstitutional Practices, meaning, it is their oath, their binding DUTY!

Department of Justice Memo on Debtor's Prison against the Constitutions

Dr. Aldridge Stating She will NOT Continue Due to a Debt

Economic Abuse

Power and Control Wheel

Abuse Wheel Power and Control

Emotional Abuse

Denying and Shifting the Blame

Male Privilege

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