Sunday, July 7, 2019

America Corrupt State Actors Declares War on It's Own Children

The Office of Child Support, Federal Government provided grant funds to State co-operatives for access to visitation for non-custodial parents and their minor children. Despite this, Bahji in the case of Adams v Vermont Office of Child Support, et. al, filed in the District of Vermont Federal Court, was denied access to the office of child support programs and services that she and the minor child could have benefited from. She was knowingly denied such access by the Office of Child Support programs and services for the issue of alleged modification via the two-state process for the alleged child support order in which the State Office of Child Support Programs attempted to enforce against her and then she and the minor child were denied access to the starting point of 10 Million dollars in grant funds which are specifically allotted towards the access and visitation for non-custodial parents and their minor children. This is an issue of covert abuse via state actors, while those programs are receiving federal taxpayers dollars, calling it lawful to deny services to a federally funded program and then attacking those parents to stand the grounds for their rights to be implemented. Bluntly put into words, it is a War on Parents and their children.

When the programs which are used as economic systems in which to funnel grant monies from the federal government to state coffers, are this blatantly abusing parents, it is not just an individual battle that must be "won", it is an all out silent War declared on parents and their children, that must be transcend. The sad end result is that the children are the ones who are most damaged, as they spend 18 years of enculturated abuse from the other parent, being shaped to believe that the parent who has fought for them, wanted nothing to do with them, when in fact, it was the alleged custodial parent and the corrupt individuals who abused their positions with the government who created the danger and ripped the parent-child relationship apart. This amounts to kidnapping, using the system and alleged laws, under customs of law, in which to do it. In the end bringing it to a tipping point, where the only way in which to escape the madness is to voluntarily terminate, which in such a case as this is never voluntary termination of  parental rights, in states that allow for such, ending the War on parents.

Termination of parental rights is what some parents are forced to consider when there veins have been sliced time and time again, by the system which is designed to prevent such abuses of the families and their children. Bahji, knows of some individuals who have been forced to "voluntarily terminate" their rights to their children as the only alternative, aside from committing suicide, to stopping the war against non-custodial parents which is continuing to happen in the shadows of silence. Bahji was even forced to consider such, however the truth is in her case, her parental rights where unlawfully terminated all but on paper, which allowed the fraud and abuse against her to continue.  In some States, such as Georgia, they would still continue the onslaught of abuse via the child support even if she officially "terminated" her rights on paper. The truth is when she has been denied access to the minor child for upward of almost a total of a decade, her parental rights have already been terminated, merely never reduced such to paper. In legal theory, that amounts to kidnapping the minor child, not just by the alleged custodial parent, but by the State agency itself. For those who are unable to stop the abuse via the state programs which are using federal taxpayer dollars to declare and continue a war on parents, they have in the past used "termination" of rights in order to stop the abuse from the system, as their only alternative. In addition to termination of the rights, to stop the abuse which is rampant throughout  this country, there is also emancipation of the children. Sadly, termination of parental rights depending on the states, might be the only way in which to stop the abuse, it may be the only way in which to take away the funding access, by cutting off the head of the snake which has grown to epic unsustainable proportions, something to consider. In war, the sacrifices are often extremely high and it is sad when a nation such as America has declared such on it's own children. The government is the one who has successful taught this nation, that money is control and when one is forced to terminate their rights, in states which authorize such, it may be the only way in which to send a clear signal to the government that the abuse against non-custodial parents and their children has got to stop, by taking away access to the variable which is required in order for the ponzi scheme against federal taxpayer dollars to continue.

For decade after decade, the system has shown that it refuses to "fix" itself, and it is an extremely sad, dark ages, when parents have to make the extremely emotional sacrifice to even consider such in order to stop the onslaught which has continued against them and their children, under customs of law for rampant and overt abuse. When a parent is knowingly denied access to visitation, they have all but in name terminated there rights, being unable to enforce a right is the same as termination of one. Termination of the parental-child relationship does what the emancipation in such," A parent may make a motion or an application to declare a child emancipated and end child support when the child is no longer “in the sphere of influence” of the parent". 

The Trauma of Everyday Life Should be Enough to Wake you up!

Reminding Rules OCSE

Abuse of the Federal Office of Child Support FFP Funds

46% of Families are poor who use the OCS Agency

Evidence of Knowingly Denying Access to Office of Child Support Programs and Services

Termination of Parental Rights Explained

Take away the State funding by removing the variable they use to abuse the non-custodial parent and the children

Termination of Parental Rights to Stop Child Support Link (Stop the Abuse of the System by cutting off it's funding)

Access and Visitation Program Grants OCSE 2019

Child Support Grants

Texas AG Access and Visitation

Georgia child support Termination of Parental Rights Laws

Emanicipation of Children

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