Friday, July 12, 2019


The truth that everyone else is taken shall set you free in the cage of the thinking construct of the world of man's mind. The think tank of the word 'self', the matrix, the door, or the window that the thief walks in through the middle of the night to steal the reality of the world; fleeing with the empowerment of the all body-knowing, heartfelt truth wrapped in the blanket of the "individual" ego minds eye, so it is disguised.

Just stop it! Stop believing you are who you think you are in your rationalized, justified, self-centered, full of hatred filled brainwashed, hypnotized, and fast asleep mind. How does one do that you say. Just stop it! The truth of silence is that of empowering the truth of the body knowing and silence of the addictive thinking mind. Meaning all the things one witnesses, watches, talks about, talks to, all reinforces the ideology of that self, that "you", the ego mind. A clever maneuver to hypnotize, brainwash, and place society fast asleep so that consuming the business of business makes this world so "civilized".

Quieting the mind really is that simple, it is stopping the addiction to the feasting of the manifestation of the "thinking" think-tank called the mind. The power is in being, not in knowing, not in seeking the answers from another, in the withdrawal of the addiction which society has thrusted upon you by being just around one another.

The truth is the "you" society claims you are seeking is the one that they knowingly raped from you, your true birth-right of being a harmonious human being, at one with everything, the all knowing, the true love of the core of the foundation of what is termed, human living.

Taught to continually be qualified by other individuals as if they have authority over another human being, as if their status in life has some bearing upon another human being. Those are the distortions of the reality of people, peopling. This sickness that is plaguing a species. The dis-ease of a manifestation of a pyramid scheme to induce the minds to be controlled by the same boring way of living life, as a battery for a greater dis-eased machine.

Just abide in silence, sit down, say nothing, stop your thinking mind, by just breathing, by just being, and when your mind shows you how dis-eased this society has truly made you, just go back to your breathing and DO nothing, by the mere being of the moment of the being.

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