Monday, July 8, 2019

How the Court System is Used Against the Low-Income And Why the Middle Class Should Give a Fuck

In a pyramid, the top can only function in it's essistance if it has a foundation, bottom, in which to rest up, common sense knows the top can not defy gravity and float in the air upon it's own authority power and essence. How the continuation of erosion and percussion of low-income matters and why the middle class should give a serious fuck about it.

When the low-income percussion of individuals is no longer able to satisfy the sick dis-ease of the encultraled process, who then becomes the next target for the abusive ponzi scheme, the middle-class of course. In-fact, look at what one of the presidential candidates is doing, she is targeting the low-income black voters in order to meet her base demand for her own agenda. Her agenda, in ones view-point isn't about the elevation of the black communities, for if it was, she would raise all low-income individuals up out of poverty, realizing that white, and Chinese, or how about the one thing any gender has the possibility of having in common, that protected class of individuals with disabilities; have suffered along side the oppression of the black race, even if it has been silenced from the masses. Just because the truth is hidden in a mirage of sophistication of lies, marketing in what the public is told, does not negate the truth for what it is, which is oppression happens in Hispanic, white, Jews, Chinese communities, in a similar facet to the black community. When is society going to start realizing what is happening is a human rights issue which impacts the whole species, not just a color of a skin that in-capitulates the being held within.

When the three main branches of government has turned into the erosion of the Nation's contractual obligations and committed treason upon the United States Constitution, it is clear, that, "Houston we have", a real fucking, "problem"; is not just a saying for NASA, it is a wake-up call to the whole nation, including the people of the middle class, that divide between the upper elite and the lower-slavery called by the name of low-income population.  When the feasting off the backs of low-income individuals is not enough, which the world's economics is demonstrating that it is not enough to sustain the world economic population, the middle class becomes the next target, and so the onslaught has begun against making the middle-class the new low-income enslaved. Really they always have been, they have just veiled to live life as if peopling is being alive, by the way of multiple years of a collective group "think". The low-income, the middle-class and even the upper elite are brainwashed, hypnotized, and fast asleep, comfortably numb to other people's suffering inflicted upon them by their own decisions and choices to stand for nothing other than their own addictions, their ego's their minds. How one "believes" that was some monstrous mistaken, when the government speaks to marketing of economic behavior driven psychology, is just another loop for rationalization of the ego, "self-centered", mind. The idea that society can not stop the abuse is an illusion, marketed by design, for the erosion of any stability within the species, the house of cards, is crumbling, and what does it matter to the middle class because they can not see the affects, for out of sight out of mind until it comes knocking at their door; wham, like spidey-man, they are forced to wake the fuck up. Who gets targeted after the low-income class is killed off, the pyramid must have its foundational bottom in which to rest upon, does it not.

When corporations and government are literally in bed with one another, it gives a whole new comprehension to Shakespeare meaning the "world is but a stage and we are all merely" players forced to acting within it's dis-eased false marketed belief system of sophistication of civilized structure, or as the story is told to so many who chant it via the language which binds them. There are many ways in which corporations, including individual lawyers, on-behalf of their clients abuse the low-income individuals and it has nothing to do with justice. The veil which is so thin, which hypnotizes individuals from standing in any empowerment is that the the system is not just an illusion, it is death to all, eroding the whole social structure from within it's inability to grasp the heart of the true economic which is eroding the species from within. Justice is an illusion sold to the masses to keep them believing in the mirage, when the truth is it is one of many deserts setting the whole nation to starve from thrust and hunger; only difference is that in the actual desert that reality sinks in really quickly as to the veil which keeps the truth hidden because people believe they have rights within a country which has destroyed itself from individuals sitting quietly and watching it happen slowly bit by bit eroded over time, like water to the hard rock, it is not seen immediately it takes time.

An example of such is in the case of Bahji Adams v Delta Airlines, Inc. in which the facts and issue of the case address the fundamental core issues eroding the United States of the Americas Constitutions resulting from pure underlying hate. The Discovery process is only one step in the long line of the illusionary legal process which is used against the low-income, stripping away at Constitutional Rights. For those individuals who are not familiar with what the Constitution truly is, read Contract Law, for the Constitution is the most powerful contract of them all. When Bahji sent ("RFA"), request for admissions, to opposing counsel, the Court gave a blank protection to opposing counsel, when the request are actually questions which would be asked at trial, used to "stream-line" the court procedural process, meaning saving the parties and the Court's time. When opposing counsel attempts to shield their unlawful behavior behind the system, the system no longer functions and it is actually a fraud upon the Constitutions, not merely a procedural due process issue. Meaning, it is racketeering at it's highest level of organized crime. In the case of Gideon Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court addressed the issue of low-income regarding the scope of the assistance of legal counsel under the 6th Amendment. Without the 5th Amendment and 4th Amendment, hell, even the 8th Amendment, there is no point to the 6th Amendment; which all courts are bound to uphold, meaning it isn't a private court where the United States Constitution is deprived of its authoritative jurisdiction; nor is not applicable because it is a private dispute. The United States Constitutions extends to all suits in all jurisdictions, even what some "people" claim is private courts. If anyone does not believe this to be true, then look at the fact that corporations are granted the United States Constitutions protection of "person", and look to the issue of the ability of those corporations; lobby groups to donate to "campaigns" as protected under the United States Constitutions.

What is happening is that corporations employ the masses and the truth is government needs them in order to survive their own feasting of their encultarted minds, creating the opportunity for a harmonious or destructive continuous loop cycle. Great genuis's such as Karl Marx and Noam Chosky speak to these bed partners, which is eroding at its own core of sustainability. When a court, abuses it's disceration, the truth is the upper courts continue to hide the lie's taken against the United States Constitution. The truth is they are able to do such because the masses sit silent, thinking in their ego filled minds about their own survival instead of that of the whole species. Even animals understand that the strongest is only strong because the weakest among them will be attacked first. They understand that the survival of their community depends upon the whole, including the weakest. Animals in nature truly may be smarter than what is suppose to be the most advanced evolutionary period of human existence, solely due to people, peopling, the belief that they are who they think they are.

The cycle of the snaring of the rabbit starts when government agencies fail and refuse to preform their duties on behalf of the public. This important seed of responsibility breeds the following circle of abuse to continue, until enough is enough and the public via peaceful protest stops it. The way to stop it in a peaceful manner is for people to do the necessary steps of abiding in silence, quieting the monkey mind which feeds the ego of people, peopling. The empowerment must be planted, nourished from within, and then when the masses empowerment flourishes, then politics will shift. Thinking, as a form, to bring about solutions for solving the alleged problems, is only making the loop continue. The Federal Office of Child Support has documentation on such, they refer to it as "psychology economics"; behavioral economics using insights by psychology. They explain, in their belief, why individuals act in ways that are strictly not rational. Some examples this federal study, belief system, uses, include: "reminders of social influences, the introduction of channel factors, positive identity priming, setting appropriate defaults that behavioral economics suggest can help people and programs better achieve the goals they set out for themselves." The Federal Office of Child Support notes, "though the application of behavioral economics is not new, it is most frequently used in marketing products and services to potentional customers, and in healthcare, and in workplace programs." Meaning employers use it for marketing and programs, via social influences as the drivers behind the continual looping of hostile work environments and when an individual is attacked on multiple fronts for standing up and saying enough is enough regarding such barbaric behavior by entities, the loop cycle continues in another arena, thus the problem, which is to fix the human rights violations, is never addressed and will continue to evade review, for the system is iron-clad in the mask it presents to the veiled society in which it claims to provide Justice. Gandhi understood that, which is why he suffered the attacks to model for the world through silence how to touch the hearts of this species for the betterment of all sentient human beings.

If Justice was truly available, meaning the low-income would have the same access to the platform of the courts in which to seek enforcement of what the Office of Child Support classifies as, "vulnerable and poor" families, would actually work together to support the Self-Sufficiency Projects or programs, instead of destroying the low-income by using the procedural process to evade the courts having to address the issue of the heart-beat of the issue of true economics, which is the psychological behavior of oppression of the low-income. Regarding the story, going back to Delta, the same would hold true for equal access to the court and court process, with discovery and at all stages of litigation. There is a huge problem when an individual can go obtain a lawyer for a personal injury claim on contingency when they visit a restaurant because of a metal "washer" contained in the patrons food, yet an employee who wants abusive hostile work environment to stop, is forced into welfare, made to move mountains financial, then the process is used against them when they are unable to be super human. The truth is once the poor are killed off the middle class becomes the next massive target, which is why the middle class should stop going by the 40,000 plus masses to run marathons and start to give a fuck.

Adams v Delta Airlines, Inc. Court Judgement

Amended Complaint for ADA Discrimination Against Delta Airlines, Inc.

Original Complaint Adams v Delta Airlines

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