Sunday, July 14, 2019

Is Implementing Law Enough If Society's Mental Addictive Attitudes Remain Intact

Even though it would be nice to see a radical disruption to the major institutions, as one appears required at this day and age in this time, the truth is societies shock from it would be just to much for the species to handle however if the govern-ment does not get it to-gether history demostrates this building mass of energy will hit it's tipping-point, it will be the quickest wake-up call in all of history. When Society starts to look at how positive ways of doing business in supporting the foundation of what is modern living life, showing compassion, and making sure that those most vulnerable are not lead to the slater, and very much a part of the pack, then society will start to flourish. The truth is all human beings may at one point, become people who are much in need of medical protections and access to many facets of society in order to live a decent modern simple life and someone understands that they can stimulate a section of society by being supportive and nice to those most vulnerable, let's just hope that it will have continued oversight, imagine that, stimulating an economy on compassion, with a ladder behind it of stimulating more of the economics by providing people with jobs in oversight, while ensuring implementation of programs for the vulnerabilities of this species are provided. Finally an ability to grasp it for it never was rocket science.

The Truth is every born American is a trust-fund baby, by Uncle Sam, they just fail to realize that it was the generation before them that set up the plans, which are evolving with the growth of the population and the dis-eased minds of the species in this nation. When divide and conquer is used as the Likes and Dislikes instead of the truth which is trust funds are intended to be available upon specific conditions listed in the structure of the trust for the beneficiaries use, we allow this society to walk a path of abuse. In America, the We The People considered this "gifting" in trust to be the truth of the compassionate ability of this species. Some argue it is because the ones who set it up are the ones who will benefit from it. Yes, We the People are the benefices, so the "gifts" are intended to benefit the individual while stimulating the economics of the whole nation, as it is intertwined and held in "trust".

The FFP, is one such "contractual trust" set up on behalf of We the People, as described under the Federal Impact Analysis, " The Federal government holds States accountable for program services and the States need the authority to hold those actually providing those services accountable. These six new provisions are in no way intended to preempt State law", keep in mind the, "The Supremacy Clause, Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. ... Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law". Thus, "They are minimal standards which should be part of any contract." Thus the "contract" of which We the People are the third party two as the beneficiaries of the trust, as in fact the ones who have rights to Sue pursuant to multiple laws when the contract is not only violated, but their constitutional rights, civil rights, and other applicable federal laws, regulations, State Constitutions, and local laws. The MAJOR point is the beneficiaries are the People, which States and Federal Corporations, which includes many moving parts, hold in trust on behalf of. This blog is for enlightenment and educational purposes only. Bottom line is it takes NOTHING to be NICE! Even SMALL children understand such basic compassion. Thus, "A constitutional provision announcing the supremacy of federal law, the Supremacy Clause assumes the underlying priority of federal authority, at least when that authority is expressed in the Constitution itself.[4] No matter what the federal government or the states might wish to do, they have to stay within the boundaries of the Constitution. This makes the Supremacy Clause the cornerstone of the whole American political structure".

The United States Supreme Court in Turner, as well as Hardwick, are the Supreme Law of the Land by clearly established law of the United States Supreme Court which BINDS all courts.

Someone Gets the Bigger Better Picture For All Sentient Human Beings

FFP Demostrating that State Understand it is a Contract and That they waive their Rights to be Sued by Both We the People and the Federal Government.

Turner v. Rogers

Turner v Rogers Oral Argument

Hardwick "The Lying Case"

Hardwick v. Vreeken

Hope v. Pelzer

15-55563 Hardwick Publication of Order

United States Supreme Court Hardwick v Orange County Pet. Denied

Hardwick overview

Orange County v. Fogarty-Hardwick, 563 U.S. 936 (2011)

Brief of Hardwick

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