Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Language of Money

The language of Money is the attention of the pockets holding the electronic gadgets contained within; which connect individuals to the platform of the engineered internet. The shift in humanity is changing. People are no longer public speakers, they are speaking to the public via the private forums, the internet, which may or may not actually bring individuals into old school forums, the auditorium.

Evolution and growth are unstoppable, the social status of many people, people are obsessed with it, the issue of the human species morality. Yeah, you know that thing, one calls dying; the irony is so many are already walking zombies in a time of ever-growing, extremely fast, light-speed, warping the minds contained in the human brain, one of the greatest gifts given to this species. The campaign elections are running off the platform of fear, which is linked to none other than the most basic sub-conscious programming, the mind, the ego, the "I" of people, peopling. When people walk around with that balloon filled head, they are actually the program of the computer running without ever knowing they are not in governance over their own humanity. The brainwashing of society has robbed the individuals, thus the communities built by the individuals with the stolen greatest gift given to all sentient beings, the life force of amazingly beautifully thriving heart-felt living. The Zombies of this society are the people, peopling, believing in their illusion of sophistication and failing to comprehend the bulk of what is truth in living. Money has absolutely no meaning, and yet the zombies of life are controlled by this program, no different than the burn circuit boards of the computer running the software, operating systems.

Money is not the root of all evil, the construction of the brainwashed is, the matrix that everyone talks about and fails to truly comprehend. The status which is linked to money everyone believes is the actual truth of what money is alleged to represent, the value of anything and everything, including the people, peopling who are enslaved by the brainwashing of that very matrix in which they bind themselves in by attempting to escape from it. The Office of Child Support system and the abuse under color of the law runs off of this such matrix. They claim that child support is about the "value" of the best interest of the minor child, or children. While there may be some employees who work within the system who are good individuals, it does not change the circle of the truth of what had or has been happening regarding the manner in which they have clearly treated low-income families for profit, claiming their rights to life, to being a human being was no longer valued in the most disgusting, horrendous, manner, which begs the question how is that not a holocaust in which to kill the living for no other reason than for pure hatred.

The status of money does not hate itself, it is the actions and behaviors of the individuals who use its linked status to power which binds the energy of the living to the dead. In order for the energy in this human existence to manifest, sentient beings must wake the fuck up. Waking the fuck up has to do with sitting, sitting in silence, sitting in the practice and literally growing the energy the most powerful life-force, true power from within. The human body was given the human heart for a reason, it is the most powerful generator, the mother-board of this human existence and how it is impacted is no different than the battery of the computer being drained by the operating system which is running all day and night without any care for the systems proper function. The language of money is used for good or evil, that means it can be backed by heartfelt love, compassion, or used for chaos, destruction. The world does not require opposites in order to flourish from its comprehension, it does not require suffering in order to grasp what true love is. The Power of Love is in the heart-cave, where any human being can access its bank account; yet the brainwashing of society has it well hidden in the lies by using the language of money, which is measuring the human value system.

In the Case of Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support, this case was clearly about the human issue of HUMAN rights in order to make a basic living, the value that any human being in American would consider a righteous standard living. The account that the system allowed a member of the species to abuse another member of the species using the language of money to do it is the very core of the fundamental language of the money used in power structures. In order to begin to comprehend how to shift that power structure and impact the language of money, the masses, via the single individual will have to manifest the shifting of the present language of money which is engrained in the people, peopling existence, the current framework of such social structure is forced to its tipping point and no matter what it is presently shifting; the question is does the lower-income scale and middle class want to be a part of its shifting structure or do they want to continue being slaves to it. The following links are some insight in the evolution of how language is shifting and with the shift in language a new framework structure is being constructed, the question is who in society will be at the forefront of it, and who will be the slowest ones to wake up to it.

The ones at the forefront of it, are the ones which are on the internet speaking the truth about the shifting of the consciousness, the deconstruction of the shifting process is currently happening in the here and NOW. The bandaid to cover the wound can no longer sustain the hemorrhage bleeding contained within that the world wanted to believe was not festering from destroying this species from within. So who is ready to be a contender to do the work required to shift the evolution of the human species back into the power which we were all meant to contain within, the heart, by the power of love held within. The tides are shifting, so sit-down in silence and just do it. Get really intimate with that which is contained within. Do the research and unleash the only true power which comes from within the beating heart linked to all existence of this human species. Deconstruct the bullshit sold, which was once bought, which no even understood they were buying, by exposing what it really is; the power of a construct which brainwashed this species to sleep from within.

Male Privilege Explained
Power and Control Wheel Understanding the Wheel
Emotional Abuse
Money is a Language
The Trauma of Everyday Life
Evidence of State Abuse of Power against Bahji and her minor child

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