Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication

Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun behind it, to place individuals under their thumbs. Both unlawful and illegal in the United States of America; yet such a War on Paper has been waged against parents entitled to basic human dignity, rights, just like the alleged children those tyrants use against them to unlawfully deprive them of the simple truth of being a human being. Bahji Adams, spent upward of a decade fighting the illusion of freedom being subjected to abuse under color of law, by individuals in the system who profited off her, her son, and countless other individuals. When the system, pursuant to public law 93-647, was used under color of law to take away everything she had, including her name, her privacy, her right to peacefully protest and protect the laws of a nation she held dear within her heart, this blood ran from the cuts that individuals used via paper against her all so they could make profits off of her and her son to no end, if that is not corruption, then what in this lifetime is.

On or about October 21st, 2016 or thereabout Kristen Vanckren, on behalf of the Office of Child Support claims that the Office of Child Support for the State of Vermont became aware of  Bahji's rights to sue Delta Airlines, Inc for claims arising out of her being forced to take medical leave. Kristen Vanckren, in prior court hearings claimed to the Superior Court of Chittenden County, State of Vermont, Family Division that Bahji had "willfully" refused to continue working at Delta Airlines. The docket for the Court, demonstrates that the court and OCS has prior knowledge of the rights, standing, and grounds for Bahji Adams to sue Delta Airlines, Inc for claims arising out of those events dating back to June 2014, or thereabout.

Instead of informing the court that she had knowingly placed before it false-statements of material fact regarding Bahji's ability to comply with the alleged child support order, she knowingly simulated illegal process, using the court system in which to continue to abuse what law defines as a "vulnerable adult" per public law 93-647, of the Social Security Act, FFP, Funds, allotted by Congressional mandate. Kristen makes it a point, to attempt to testify to general simple statements, via a format generally used by American Jurisprudence, which is an encyclopedia of the Untied States Law governing the statements of claims pertaining to American With Disabilities Act. What she does is actually demonstrate how she continually used Bahji's traumatic Brain Injury as a way in which to simulate abuse through the legal process by refusing to "bend the knee" to the American with Disabilities Act and providing reasonable accommodations to access the Office of Child Support alleged programs and services by discriminating against Bahji's cognitive inabilities to accurately articulate using the English Language. Kristen did this as well when Bahji requested discovery of Adam Todd George and his wife Jan Soper George's income, assets, required for any alleged modification and as defenses to the abuse that Bahji was being subjected to through their use of simulating illegal process for their personal abuse.

What is required under the American with Disabilities Act, per standing is that at the time of the adverse employment action, the individual was qualified and able with or without accommodations to preform the essential job functions for employment. Kristen, an attorney, regardless of the language used, would have known the law, or should have known that law regardless of Bahji's inability at that time to put the words, "at the adverse action", "relevant time(s)", or any other similar language in-order to state that at the "adverse employment action" she was qualified and able with or without accommodations to preform the essential job functions. Kristen, "highlights" this bias on her part to the Court in Motion, exhibit, in that, "she has a general ability to preform the job requirements with or without accommodations and Delta, Inc." to which she cuts off her highlighted portion which further then uses the language, "denied". The law requires, at such time as adverse employment action the individual "has", and that the "denial" was based on discrimination as the individual at that time "has" the abilities for the job requirements. Stated another way, the individual at the time of the adverse employment events, "had" the abilities with or without accommodations. The time in question was around or about June 2014, when the Office of Child Support had OVER-GARNISHED her income.

Kristen also points out to the court material facts which are untrue claiming that Bahji, three weeks after the Court issued findings of her inability to pay the alleged child support that she "rushed out" and "filed" a claim against Delta Airlines, Inc, when in fact that statue of limitations was set to expire, literally one day after, or thereabout, the filing with the Court the Complaint. Not only does she attempt to paint the falsehood that Bahji was claiming she "could work", she knowingly uses that simulation of illegal process to harass, discriminate, threaten Bahji's rights to exercise her rights in another court against a party who has damaged her, in multiple claims, still pending before the Court and noticed on the New York record. Stated another way, Kristen not only used her position with the Office of Child Support, the state, to continue to abuse Bahji through the simulating of illegal process within the family court, she used those threats to place further fear into Bahji for standing her grounds against employment discrimination which she told the family court, did not happen in not so many words, by stating that Bahji willfully refused to work at that time, when the truth is Bahji has multiple impairments, which trigger her many rights to benefits in many facets of life. She clearly not only committed malpractice, she knowingly used her position with the state, using paper, with the force of a gun, holding it to Bahji's head to strip her of her rights in any facet or forum.

In Bahji's amended complaint she clarifies the legal requirement which is that the adverse employment actions took place at that time, the language which Kristen Vanckren attempted to abuse Bahji for a second time, alleged criminal contempt of court. It was about October 21st, 2016 that Kristen Vanckren did knowingly contact Delta Airlines, Inc and discussed Bahji, without any lawful right, for further harassment, and in-violation of all law, Bahji's right to privacy, her 4th Amendt., 5th Amendt. 8th Amendt, 7th Amendt, and 14th Amendt, among her 1st Amendt, but not limited to so many other rights Kristen did knowingly encroach, trample, and intend to infringe upon. This one event, is enough to place Delta Airlines, Inc and anyone acting on their behalf within the "arm", "actions" of the State,as if they are the actions of the state and subjects them to 1983 Claims for violations of conspiracy to deprive Bahji of her multiple rights. This abuse under color of law nearly took Bahji's life and to-date not one of them has been held accountable, yet Bahji's life has been completely destroyed, her multiple rights, her privacy more than trampled, infringed upon. Her basic human dignity and human rights more than stripped away from her, through the torment of the gun which has been used behind the lies, the sophistication on paper. Delta claims they, "condemn all human rights abuses", apparently they only speak falsehoods, using paper in which to "market" themselves as being "good", for they attempted to use the abusive case in the family courts as pretext in which they claimed before the Court in January of 2016 or thereabout that they had "terminated" Bahji. Even to-date, she continues to get employee mail from Delta Airlines, that latest, Delta saying it will implement "facial recognition" for boarding in some of their main hubs.

The truth is Bahji has had any human rights stripped from her in a country of the "free" by multiple parties, persons, and corporations, subjecting her to torment and pain and they all justify their actions by calling themselves civilized. For upward of a decade she exposed the abuse on multiple court records, when the truth is this destructive seed against the national community has been planted long ago and has sprouted its roots and only through education, enlightenment, and quieting the mind will the masses be able to do anything about it. The corporations, the government has nothing when individuals practice quieting the mind, when they stop consuming, when they stop working, when they boycott the abuse that has been planted, until then, the cycle of abuse, the wheel will continue. The one thing corporations and the government can not live without is the masses, yes, the individuals who make the masses, until the masses protest in the millions the system will continue to feed itself. What is happening is that government corporations and private corporations believe that they don't need the masses, until the day when the masses abide in the strength of it's numbers, with the empowerment feed from within, will the day the government and corporations wake up to the fact that they can not run without the people, peopling. So just stop it, abide in silence, just sit with all the false words that they have feed into your mind, found within the human head.

Pospislaw Blog ADA Suit Survives

Pospislaw Adams v Delta Airlines, Inc Survives Dismissal

Youtube Child Support: The Power of Paper

Delta Airlines, Inc Complaint

Delta Claims They Are Against All Human Rights Abuse Per Their Own Statements

Kristen Vanckren Vermont OCS Attempts at using Abuse Under Color of Law Interferance with Elected Rights to File Claims against Delta

Follow the Money

Evidence of Denying Office of Child Support Services Under Color of Law

The Trauma of your everyday life should be enough to Wake You the Fuck Up

Court Records Demonstrating Human Rights Violations via Abuse Under Color of Law

Motion Office Of Child Support to Dismiss and Terminate Services to Both Parties

Order Dismissing Services and Termination of Services

Lift the Veil and Break the Chain

Income Evidence of Alleged Custodial Parent

A Lawyer Explains Emotional Distress Claims

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Uncommon among the Uncommon

The following case had not been shepherded, it is worth investigating, shepherding, and looking into the United States Supreme Court records regarding the actual order of the United States Supreme Court. The case does not mention the manner or reason on why the biological father committed suicide, so the question is why? Not to impose a hard-burden on his children, however, if it was due to due process violations, and the account that he was abused via the system, then the Nation, his community, and individuals who want the system to bend the knee to the United States Constitutions has a right to know the history of this man who's life was taken, and why his children grew up without him.

The United States Supreme Court held;

"we again held that the “liberty of parents and guardians” includes the right “to direct the upbringing and education of children under their control.” We explained in Pierce that “[t]he child is not the mere creature of the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” Id., at 535

If what the United State Supreme Court states is true, then why are people being forced into poverty via the abuse of the child support system, why are the courts allowing parents and their children to be deprived of their parent-child relationships, and why are alleged non-custodial parents having to "terminate" their own parental rights inorder to stop the abuse from the child support system.

So why is it that since 2007, the biological mother has been deprived of the parent-child relationship and yet every summer the grandparents of the minor child's father has had custody and care of the minor child in the case of Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support. Why was the alleged custodial parent allowed to deprive the child of the mother-child relationship despite the constitutional protections the United States Supreme Court clarification of such rights. How is that anything other than abuse against the mother and the child? In this case, the mother could not get access to the Court in Georgia, when she attempted via the Office of Child Support and when she attempted to send forms to the Cherokee Courts, when they returned her forms to her and refused to file the petitions. In this case, a NON-PARENT, multiple third parties have had more rights than the mother that they used the child as an example, "Take Justice Souter's hypothetical and assume that... we see in domestic relations fights sometimes children are used by one spouse against the other as part of the bargaining and so forth, and supposing you have a situation in which the mother of the child gets into a dispute with the grandmother that's totally unrelated to the welfare of the child, but decides for arbitrary reasons to deny visitation rights because it will further her ability to pursue whatever the dispute is".

A parental right is NEVER a TIE-BREAKER, it is a RIGHT! The Child's right to their parents is not a TIE-BREAKER, it is a child's RIGHT! Maybe this is why the Book of Salmon, the wisdom of who the mother truly is, for the mother would give up her own child, so that a child may live instead of the child being killed to settle a dispute over who the child belongs to. That does not mean in that story the child and the mother did not suffer greatly, it means the mother understood the War which had been waged. Remember it is not the grisly who will die to protect it's cubs, the grisly by it's own grisly nature will literally devour them for his own selfish satisfaction, the momma bear however will fight to the very last breath of her life so that her offspring may live.

Oral Argument

The United States Supreme Court says what?


Cherokee County Case 16cve0164

The Trauma of Everyday Life Should be Enough to Wake You Up

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Is Implementing Law Enough If Society's Mental Addictive Attitudes Remain Intact

Even though it would be nice to see a radical disruption to the major institutions, as one appears required at this day and age in this time, the truth is societies shock from it would be just to much for the species to handle however if the govern-ment does not get it to-gether history demostrates this building mass of energy will hit it's tipping-point, it will be the quickest wake-up call in all of history. When Society starts to look at how positive ways of doing business in supporting the foundation of what is modern living life, showing compassion, and making sure that those most vulnerable are not lead to the slater, and very much a part of the pack, then society will start to flourish. The truth is all human beings may at one point, become people who are much in need of medical protections and access to many facets of society in order to live a decent modern simple life and someone understands that they can stimulate a section of society by being supportive and nice to those most vulnerable, let's just hope that it will have continued oversight, imagine that, stimulating an economy on compassion, with a ladder behind it of stimulating more of the economics by providing people with jobs in oversight, while ensuring implementation of programs for the vulnerabilities of this species are provided. Finally an ability to grasp it for it never was rocket science.

The Truth is every born American is a trust-fund baby, by Uncle Sam, they just fail to realize that it was the generation before them that set up the plans, which are evolving with the growth of the population and the dis-eased minds of the species in this nation. When divide and conquer is used as the Likes and Dislikes instead of the truth which is trust funds are intended to be available upon specific conditions listed in the structure of the trust for the beneficiaries use, we allow this society to walk a path of abuse. In America, the We The People considered this "gifting" in trust to be the truth of the compassionate ability of this species. Some argue it is because the ones who set it up are the ones who will benefit from it. Yes, We the People are the benefices, so the "gifts" are intended to benefit the individual while stimulating the economics of the whole nation, as it is intertwined and held in "trust".

The FFP, is one such "contractual trust" set up on behalf of We the People, as described under the Federal Impact Analysis, " The Federal government holds States accountable for program services and the States need the authority to hold those actually providing those services accountable. These six new provisions are in no way intended to preempt State law", keep in mind the, "The Supremacy Clause, Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. ... Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law". Thus, "They are minimal standards which should be part of any contract." Thus the "contract" of which We the People are the third party two as the beneficiaries of the trust, as in fact the ones who have rights to Sue pursuant to multiple laws when the contract is not only violated, but their constitutional rights, civil rights, and other applicable federal laws, regulations, State Constitutions, and local laws. The MAJOR point is the beneficiaries are the People, which States and Federal Corporations, which includes many moving parts, hold in trust on behalf of. This blog is for enlightenment and educational purposes only. Bottom line is it takes NOTHING to be NICE! Even SMALL children understand such basic compassion. Thus, "A constitutional provision announcing the supremacy of federal law, the Supremacy Clause assumes the underlying priority of federal authority, at least when that authority is expressed in the Constitution itself.[4] No matter what the federal government or the states might wish to do, they have to stay within the boundaries of the Constitution. This makes the Supremacy Clause the cornerstone of the whole American political structure".

The United States Supreme Court in Turner, as well as Hardwick, are the Supreme Law of the Land by clearly established law of the United States Supreme Court which BINDS all courts.

Someone Gets the Bigger Better Picture For All Sentient Human Beings

FFP Demostrating that State Understand it is a Contract and That they waive their Rights to be Sued by Both We the People and the Federal Government.

Turner v. Rogers

Turner v Rogers Oral Argument

Hardwick "The Lying Case"

Hardwick v. Vreeken

Hope v. Pelzer

15-55563 Hardwick Publication of Order

United States Supreme Court Hardwick v Orange County Pet. Denied

Hardwick overview

Orange County v. Fogarty-Hardwick, 563 U.S. 936 (2011)

Brief of Hardwick

Friday, July 12, 2019


The truth that everyone else is taken shall set you free in the cage of the thinking construct of the world of man's mind. The think tank of the word 'self', the matrix, the door, or the window that the thief walks in through the middle of the night to steal the reality of the world; fleeing with the empowerment of the all body-knowing, heartfelt truth wrapped in the blanket of the "individual" ego minds eye, so it is disguised.

Just stop it! Stop believing you are who you think you are in your rationalized, justified, self-centered, full of hatred filled brainwashed, hypnotized, and fast asleep mind. How does one do that you say. Just stop it! The truth of silence is that of empowering the truth of the body knowing and silence of the addictive thinking mind. Meaning all the things one witnesses, watches, talks about, talks to, all reinforces the ideology of that self, that "you", the ego mind. A clever maneuver to hypnotize, brainwash, and place society fast asleep so that consuming the business of business makes this world so "civilized".

Quieting the mind really is that simple, it is stopping the addiction to the feasting of the manifestation of the "thinking" think-tank called the mind. The power is in being, not in knowing, not in seeking the answers from another, in the withdrawal of the addiction which society has thrusted upon you by being just around one another.

The truth is the "you" society claims you are seeking is the one that they knowingly raped from you, your true birth-right of being a harmonious human being, at one with everything, the all knowing, the true love of the core of the foundation of what is termed, human living.

Taught to continually be qualified by other individuals as if they have authority over another human being, as if their status in life has some bearing upon another human being. Those are the distortions of the reality of people, peopling. This sickness that is plaguing a species. The dis-ease of a manifestation of a pyramid scheme to induce the minds to be controlled by the same boring way of living life, as a battery for a greater dis-eased machine.

Just abide in silence, sit down, say nothing, stop your thinking mind, by just breathing, by just being, and when your mind shows you how dis-eased this society has truly made you, just go back to your breathing and DO nothing, by the mere being of the moment of the being.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The New Jim Crow

The 2nd Amendt. gives the militia the right to bears arms, for the framers understood the power of oppression. The "people" peopling of the Americas, get all upset about their gun laws, when the truth is without the funds to cloth, shelter, or feed ones-shelf, there will never be an ability for any-type of so called "Revelation". The 2nd. Amendt, has no teeth and is meaningless, it means nothing, when the other tenants of the United States Constitutions are so easily trampled upon.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

How Abusers Use the Return of the Debtor's Prison Against their Victims

Adam George, used the Domestic Violence System Against Bahji. He was able to do this because the Court systems allowed it. He knowingly used a phone service in a manner somehow to have her phone make return calls when she went to go check her voicemail. Her phone records never showed that she dialed his phone number during the two weeks "stay away protective order" prior to a hearing for a continued permanent stay away order; which due to lies and manipulation of Adam Todd George's divorce counsel, Scott Kaye, she was forced to submit to a least what would or should have been some protection in the form of a "no contact", "mutual" "stay away order" due to his attorney going into court to claim that she had contacted him after she sought relief from the Court system for domestic violence protections. He filed through his divorce attorney Scott Kaye, a counter claim saying she was the one abusing him. Bahji's then attorney Barry Billington, agreed to terms of the alleged "mutual stay-away" order, which domestic violence advocates say are the worst thing the justice system can do for victims of domestic violence, as it sets up the abuser to be able to continue to abuse the victim through the procedural process of the using the system. Bahji, had no understanding or ability to grasp this, she just wanted Adam George to stop being abusive towards her. For some reason attorneys seem to agree to things that are not in the best interest of their clients, and in this case, Bahji does not recall giving consent, as she was clearly experiencing undue influenced that is.

Adam wanted Bahji held in contempt of court for a debt once again. This pattern of his hatred to her seems to continually present itself in the continual loop of multiple accounts of many different types of evidence. See Link below of the Debt. Bahji can not control the decision of another individual to not preform service which she is unable to afford, yet that is exactly what Adam wanted, her held in contempt of court for a debt, knowing she had multiple disabilities and no income to support it, let alone herself. Pretty sure there is criminal law against such type of behavior directed at Bahji by Adam George, yet guess this nation never really learned from the history of Nicole Brown just wanting to be left alone from her "own estranged ex husband". What is clear, is sadly, history for domestic violence victims seems to repeat themselves. Clearly economic oppression and abuse would fit this massive bill, called the modern day debtors prison system, or more like political oppression.

The following link shows that Adam George attempted to use the following alleged medical evaluation, due to a "debt", as Bahji refusing to honor an alleged agreement, when she was being subject to domestic violence, to once again attempt to tarnish her reputation. When someones subject to domestic violence and the system is used against them, they like a bear in a bear trap will literally eat their own flesh off to escape from the abuse which is happening to them, and this is happening daily in the so called "civil" of civilized Court systems. How that is not placing an individual under clear duress is just another example of how barbaric it all truly is.

The truth is that Bahji has no issue staying away from Adam George, victims actually do everything within their power, they will defend themselves like a mamma bear against a nasty grisly. Victims of domestic violence just want to protect themselves from ever having to do anything with their abusers again, which is why victims walk away from them and often end up dead when they attempt to leave them. Even mamma bears know best when to walk around a fight, it doesn't mean they won't fight a grisly three times their size, it just means they clearly have the heart knowledge of when to avoid a fight. It was clear however that someone on behalf of Adam George was stalking her at her employment of Comair Holding, Inc., perhaps Katie Holder, who may have gotten married and had a son herself. This individual asked a ramper, you know those individuals who handle passengers bags which go in the back of the planes, if Bahji was still working at the airline, as she had a son about Bahji's son age, according to this "woman" she wanted her son to play baseball with Bahji's minor child that Bahji was being denied access to, unlawfully. Well come to find out, a lady named Katie has a son who is really into baseball, this was unknown to Bahji, as Bahji did not have contact with Adam, his family, or his friends, she merely wanted him to stop abusing her.

The Department of Justice has said that this type of behavior in not so many words, is a "no, no", it is not civilized to punish any individual due to an alleged debt. That the Debtors Prison System is a "no, no", giving notice to Courts and Attorneys do not do it, as it is Constitutional Infringement. They state, Court must safeguard against Unconstitutional Practices, meaning, it is their oath, their binding DUTY!

Department of Justice Memo on Debtor's Prison against the Constitutions

Dr. Aldridge Stating She will NOT Continue Due to a Debt

Economic Abuse

Power and Control Wheel

Abuse Wheel Power and Control

Emotional Abuse

Denying and Shifting the Blame

Male Privilege

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Lift the Veil and Break the Chains

Interesting times are in the NOW, mostly the veil of confusion which hangs in the shadows of people, peopling and the inability to grasp the necessary strength in which to behave in a true civilized manner. The Case of Turner v. Rogers addresses the issue of Child Support for the purpose of challenging the Equal Access to appointed legal counsel regarding civil contempt of Court. If one actually did the research and understood how to discover the needle in the hay-stack required, then they would look at cases such as the evolution of the law, which is happening daily, in the here and NOW.

The history of the 6th Amendt. is expanding, as Gideon v. Wainright started the path down the untraveled road. Do the homework regarding how that case precedent change the land-scape of criminal rights to counsel. In fact, how about research the 6th Amendt, in order to truly grasp that the 6th Amendt is the contractual agreement that the United States of America; which means the States Constitutions must comport to the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution unless and until it AFFORDs more protections. The State Courts are Incorporated within the jurisdiction of both the State Constitutions, and the United States Constitutions, in not so many words. Not all Courts Jurisdictional authority is cloaked by the same powers granted to them by the, you guessed it the, United States Constitutions. Some courts are Admiralty Courts, "Maritime Law", some are Equity Courts, meaning Congressional enacted Statutory authority by the United States Constitutions and on a local level the State Constitutions, which grants the State Congress to enact statutory law.  Some Courts, such as the Federal Court in the District of Columbia, the Federal Court of Claims is a Congressional Court and their jursidcation is derived from such, talk about power. There are courts with authority for UCC, Uniform Commercial Code and then that wonderful Article I and Article III Courts and its jurisdiction. The COMMON law is COMMON SENSE, of which the United States Constitutions is applicable to.

Look to the history and do the research. Now the United States Supreme Court is the Court of the LAW OF THE LAND, which is governing COMMON LAW! Each case which comes before it, addresses the WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM! This WOMAN was hungrier than the abusive individuals who abused her for upward of a decade; the system made the beast of the momma bear which they caged, they pushed her back against the wall and gave her no choice other than to rise to the occasion regarding her being forced to stand her grounds, for she understood the abuse she suffered was not her OWN, nor was it her own burden to bear.

The case of Turner v. Rogers addresses the whole fucking system, regarding the Office of Child Support and how it impacts the children of America and the alleged non-custodial parents. The United States Supreme Court states such in their own ORAL argument. The decision of the Court addressed the Due Process issue to the facts that the individual in the case was not afforded procedural or substantive due process protections and stated with clear language the the critical issue was the alleged non-custodial parents "inability" to pay the child support, meaning ability to COMPLY. Not legal advice, do the research.

The Federal Office of Child Support explains this in many of their website documents. They explain such in how the States must proceed regarding "cases" before them. The United States Supreme Court made it extremely CLEAR that the critical issue was "the ability" for compliance and that procedural and substantive safeguards must be afforded. Meaning the Office of Child Support has Constitutional Duties in which it must preform to afford Due Process of LAW. The Courts, which are funded with Title IV-D funds are also required to provide procedural and substantive safeguards and the issue of the applicability of the assistance of counsel in the order reads by individual cases analysis. The Federal Office of Child Support sent the States an Action Transmittal effective, June 18th, 2012, see link below, which states, "The United States Supreme Court held that under those circumstances, the state does not necessarily need to provide counsel to an unrepresented noncustodial parent if the state has “in place alternative procedures that assure a fundamentally fair determination of the critical incarceration-related question, whether the supporting parent is able to comply with the court order.” The Federal Office of Child Support further explains, "This AT is not designed to define for IV-D agencies what is constitutionally required when there is a IV-D attorney or representative participating in the civil contempt hearing that may lead to incarceration. However, using Turner as a guidepost, this AT urges state IV-D agencies to implement procedural safeguards when utilizing contempt procedures to enforce payment of child support and encourages IV-D agencies to individually screen cases prior to initiating or referring any case for civil contempt." The action transmittal speaks to the United States Supreme Court decision of procedural and substantive safegauards MUST be afforded to comport with Due Process. 

The court notes, "(“[R]esearch suggests that many obligors who do not have reported quarterly wages have relatively limited resources”); Patterson, Civil Contempt and the Indigent Child Support Obligor: The Silent Return of Debtor’s Prison, 18 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 95, 117 (2008). See also, e. g., McBride v. McBride, 334 N. C. 124, 131, n. 4, 431 S. E. 2d 14, 19, n. 4 (1993)"

The United States Supreme Court reads and notes that this issue was not the government representing the government interest but a private party, who was unrepresented: "We do not address civil contempt proceedings where the underlying child support payment is owed to the State, for example, for reimbursement of welfare funds paid to the parent with custody. See supra, at 443. Those proceedings more closely resemble debt-collection proceedings. The government is likely to have counsel or some other competent representative. Cf. Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 U. S. 458, 462–463 (1938) (“[T]he average defendant does not have the professional legal skill to protect himself when brought before a tribunal with power to take his life or liberty, wherein the prosecution is presented by experienced and learned counsel” (emphasis added)). And this kind of proceeding is not before us. Neither do we address what due process requires in an unusually complex case where a defendant “can fairly be represented only by a trained advocate.” Gagnon, 411 U. S., at 788; see also Reply Brief for Petitioner 18–20 (not claiming that Turner’s case is especially complex)." The Court does not address the issue of Welfare Title IV-D funds. The Court addresss the issue of private to private and the right of counsel so the "field" is "level"; quoting, "The needs of such families play an important role in our analysis. Cf. post, at 458–459 (opinion of Thomas, J.). Third, as the Solicitor General points out, there is available a set of “substitute procedural safeguards,” Mathews, 424 U. S., at 335, which, if employed together, can significantly reduce the risk of an erroneous deprivation of liberty. They can do so, moreover, without incurring some of the drawbacks inherent in recognizing an automatic right to counsel. Those safeguards include (1) notice to the defendant that his “ability to pay” is a critical issue in the contempt proceeding; (2) the use of a form (or the equivalent) to elicit relevant financial information; (3) an opportunity at the hearing for the defendant to respond to statements and questions about his financial status (e. g., those triggered by his responses on the form); and (4) an express finding by the court that the defendant has the ability to pay. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 26–27; Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 23–25. In presenting these alternatives, the Government draws upon considerable experience in helping to manage statutorily mandated federal-state efforts to enforce child support orders. See supra, at 444. It does not claim that they are the only possible alternatives, and this Court’s cases suggest, for example, that sometimes assistance other than purely legal assistance (here, say, that of a neutral social worker) can prove constitutionally sufficient. Cf. Vitek, 445 U. S., at 499–500 (Powell, J., concurring in part) (provision of mental health professional). But the Government does claim that these alternatives can ensure the “fundamental fairness” of the proceeding even where the State does not pay for counsel for an indigent defendant."

The "need of the families" per the Court order is clearly pointed out in plain language. In the case of Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support, the Federal District of Vermont, the State of Vermont, per the legal proceedings claimed that they were "representing" while "not representing" Mr. George, the alleged Custodial parent, who per his own admission was not in "need" of the alleged child support. Bahji, demonstrates that the Office of Child Support did not provide the procedural or substantive safeguards; nor did the Office of Child Support afford access to the Office of Child Support Programs. This case is complex and it is impossible to state, explain, communicate all the issues, the facts to the law on this blog, so do the research.

The untraveled road is the path least taken, and often times for good reason. However, it is time this species goes to another level, that they become the rainmakers, the chain breakers and the programs bend the knee to the United States Constitutions and start to properly function. Child Support was intended to protect the children and adults most vulnerable per public law 93-647, so let the fundamental goal be upheld and stop the abuse.

Turner v. Rogers Federal Office of Child Support Action Transmittal

Department of Justice MEMO

Turner v. Rogers Scotus Order in Supreme Court Records

Public Law 93-647

Trauma of Everyday Life Should be Enough to Wake You Up

Death by a Thousand Papers Cuts

Injunctive Motion Vermont Federal District Court Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support

Monday, July 8, 2019

How the Court System is Used Against the Low-Income And Why the Middle Class Should Give a Fuck

In a pyramid, the top can only function in it's essistance if it has a foundation, bottom, in which to rest up, common sense knows the top can not defy gravity and float in the air upon it's own authority power and essence. How the continuation of erosion and percussion of low-income matters and why the middle class should give a serious fuck about it.

When the low-income percussion of individuals is no longer able to satisfy the sick dis-ease of the encultraled process, who then becomes the next target for the abusive ponzi scheme, the middle-class of course. In-fact, look at what one of the presidential candidates is doing, she is targeting the low-income black voters in order to meet her base demand for her own agenda. Her agenda, in ones view-point isn't about the elevation of the black communities, for if it was, she would raise all low-income individuals up out of poverty, realizing that white, and Chinese, or how about the one thing any gender has the possibility of having in common, that protected class of individuals with disabilities; have suffered along side the oppression of the black race, even if it has been silenced from the masses. Just because the truth is hidden in a mirage of sophistication of lies, marketing in what the public is told, does not negate the truth for what it is, which is oppression happens in Hispanic, white, Jews, Chinese communities, in a similar facet to the black community. When is society going to start realizing what is happening is a human rights issue which impacts the whole species, not just a color of a skin that in-capitulates the being held within.

When the three main branches of government has turned into the erosion of the Nation's contractual obligations and committed treason upon the United States Constitution, it is clear, that, "Houston we have", a real fucking, "problem"; is not just a saying for NASA, it is a wake-up call to the whole nation, including the people of the middle class, that divide between the upper elite and the lower-slavery called by the name of low-income population.  When the feasting off the backs of low-income individuals is not enough, which the world's economics is demonstrating that it is not enough to sustain the world economic population, the middle class becomes the next target, and so the onslaught has begun against making the middle-class the new low-income enslaved. Really they always have been, they have just veiled to live life as if peopling is being alive, by the way of multiple years of a collective group "think". The low-income, the middle-class and even the upper elite are brainwashed, hypnotized, and fast asleep, comfortably numb to other people's suffering inflicted upon them by their own decisions and choices to stand for nothing other than their own addictions, their ego's their minds. How one "believes" that was some monstrous mistaken, when the government speaks to marketing of economic behavior driven psychology, is just another loop for rationalization of the ego, "self-centered", mind. The idea that society can not stop the abuse is an illusion, marketed by design, for the erosion of any stability within the species, the house of cards, is crumbling, and what does it matter to the middle class because they can not see the affects, for out of sight out of mind until it comes knocking at their door; wham, like spidey-man, they are forced to wake the fuck up. Who gets targeted after the low-income class is killed off, the pyramid must have its foundational bottom in which to rest upon, does it not.

When corporations and government are literally in bed with one another, it gives a whole new comprehension to Shakespeare meaning the "world is but a stage and we are all merely" players forced to acting within it's dis-eased false marketed belief system of sophistication of civilized structure, or as the story is told to so many who chant it via the language which binds them. There are many ways in which corporations, including individual lawyers, on-behalf of their clients abuse the low-income individuals and it has nothing to do with justice. The veil which is so thin, which hypnotizes individuals from standing in any empowerment is that the the system is not just an illusion, it is death to all, eroding the whole social structure from within it's inability to grasp the heart of the true economic which is eroding the species from within. Justice is an illusion sold to the masses to keep them believing in the mirage, when the truth is it is one of many deserts setting the whole nation to starve from thrust and hunger; only difference is that in the actual desert that reality sinks in really quickly as to the veil which keeps the truth hidden because people believe they have rights within a country which has destroyed itself from individuals sitting quietly and watching it happen slowly bit by bit eroded over time, like water to the hard rock, it is not seen immediately it takes time.

An example of such is in the case of Bahji Adams v Delta Airlines, Inc. in which the facts and issue of the case address the fundamental core issues eroding the United States of the Americas Constitutions resulting from pure underlying hate. The Discovery process is only one step in the long line of the illusionary legal process which is used against the low-income, stripping away at Constitutional Rights. For those individuals who are not familiar with what the Constitution truly is, read Contract Law, for the Constitution is the most powerful contract of them all. When Bahji sent ("RFA"), request for admissions, to opposing counsel, the Court gave a blank protection to opposing counsel, when the request are actually questions which would be asked at trial, used to "stream-line" the court procedural process, meaning saving the parties and the Court's time. When opposing counsel attempts to shield their unlawful behavior behind the system, the system no longer functions and it is actually a fraud upon the Constitutions, not merely a procedural due process issue. Meaning, it is racketeering at it's highest level of organized crime. In the case of Gideon Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court addressed the issue of low-income regarding the scope of the assistance of legal counsel under the 6th Amendment. Without the 5th Amendment and 4th Amendment, hell, even the 8th Amendment, there is no point to the 6th Amendment; which all courts are bound to uphold, meaning it isn't a private court where the United States Constitution is deprived of its authoritative jurisdiction; nor is not applicable because it is a private dispute. The United States Constitutions extends to all suits in all jurisdictions, even what some "people" claim is private courts. If anyone does not believe this to be true, then look at the fact that corporations are granted the United States Constitutions protection of "person", and look to the issue of the ability of those corporations; lobby groups to donate to "campaigns" as protected under the United States Constitutions.

What is happening is that corporations employ the masses and the truth is government needs them in order to survive their own feasting of their encultarted minds, creating the opportunity for a harmonious or destructive continuous loop cycle. Great genuis's such as Karl Marx and Noam Chosky speak to these bed partners, which is eroding at its own core of sustainability. When a court, abuses it's disceration, the truth is the upper courts continue to hide the lie's taken against the United States Constitution. The truth is they are able to do such because the masses sit silent, thinking in their ego filled minds about their own survival instead of that of the whole species. Even animals understand that the strongest is only strong because the weakest among them will be attacked first. They understand that the survival of their community depends upon the whole, including the weakest. Animals in nature truly may be smarter than what is suppose to be the most advanced evolutionary period of human existence, solely due to people, peopling, the belief that they are who they think they are.

The cycle of the snaring of the rabbit starts when government agencies fail and refuse to preform their duties on behalf of the public. This important seed of responsibility breeds the following circle of abuse to continue, until enough is enough and the public via peaceful protest stops it. The way to stop it in a peaceful manner is for people to do the necessary steps of abiding in silence, quieting the monkey mind which feeds the ego of people, peopling. The empowerment must be planted, nourished from within, and then when the masses empowerment flourishes, then politics will shift. Thinking, as a form, to bring about solutions for solving the alleged problems, is only making the loop continue. The Federal Office of Child Support has documentation on such, they refer to it as "psychology economics"; behavioral economics using insights by psychology. They explain, in their belief, why individuals act in ways that are strictly not rational. Some examples this federal study, belief system, uses, include: "reminders of social influences, the introduction of channel factors, positive identity priming, setting appropriate defaults that behavioral economics suggest can help people and programs better achieve the goals they set out for themselves." The Federal Office of Child Support notes, "though the application of behavioral economics is not new, it is most frequently used in marketing products and services to potentional customers, and in healthcare, and in workplace programs." Meaning employers use it for marketing and programs, via social influences as the drivers behind the continual looping of hostile work environments and when an individual is attacked on multiple fronts for standing up and saying enough is enough regarding such barbaric behavior by entities, the loop cycle continues in another arena, thus the problem, which is to fix the human rights violations, is never addressed and will continue to evade review, for the system is iron-clad in the mask it presents to the veiled society in which it claims to provide Justice. Gandhi understood that, which is why he suffered the attacks to model for the world through silence how to touch the hearts of this species for the betterment of all sentient human beings.

If Justice was truly available, meaning the low-income would have the same access to the platform of the courts in which to seek enforcement of what the Office of Child Support classifies as, "vulnerable and poor" families, would actually work together to support the Self-Sufficiency Projects or programs, instead of destroying the low-income by using the procedural process to evade the courts having to address the issue of the heart-beat of the issue of true economics, which is the psychological behavior of oppression of the low-income. Regarding the story, going back to Delta, the same would hold true for equal access to the court and court process, with discovery and at all stages of litigation. There is a huge problem when an individual can go obtain a lawyer for a personal injury claim on contingency when they visit a restaurant because of a metal "washer" contained in the patrons food, yet an employee who wants abusive hostile work environment to stop, is forced into welfare, made to move mountains financial, then the process is used against them when they are unable to be super human. The truth is once the poor are killed off the middle class becomes the next massive target, which is why the middle class should stop going by the 40,000 plus masses to run marathons and start to give a fuck.

Adams v Delta Airlines, Inc. Court Judgement

Amended Complaint for ADA Discrimination Against Delta Airlines, Inc.

Original Complaint Adams v Delta Airlines

Sunday, July 7, 2019

America Corrupt State Actors Declares War on It's Own Children

The Office of Child Support, Federal Government provided grant funds to State co-operatives for access to visitation for non-custodial parents and their minor children. Despite this, Bahji in the case of Adams v Vermont Office of Child Support, et. al, filed in the District of Vermont Federal Court, was denied access to the office of child support programs and services that she and the minor child could have benefited from. She was knowingly denied such access by the Office of Child Support programs and services for the issue of alleged modification via the two-state process for the alleged child support order in which the State Office of Child Support Programs attempted to enforce against her and then she and the minor child were denied access to the starting point of 10 Million dollars in grant funds which are specifically allotted towards the access and visitation for non-custodial parents and their minor children. This is an issue of covert abuse via state actors, while those programs are receiving federal taxpayers dollars, calling it lawful to deny services to a federally funded program and then attacking those parents to stand the grounds for their rights to be implemented. Bluntly put into words, it is a War on Parents and their children.

When the programs which are used as economic systems in which to funnel grant monies from the federal government to state coffers, are this blatantly abusing parents, it is not just an individual battle that must be "won", it is an all out silent War declared on parents and their children, that must be transcend. The sad end result is that the children are the ones who are most damaged, as they spend 18 years of enculturated abuse from the other parent, being shaped to believe that the parent who has fought for them, wanted nothing to do with them, when in fact, it was the alleged custodial parent and the corrupt individuals who abused their positions with the government who created the danger and ripped the parent-child relationship apart. This amounts to kidnapping, using the system and alleged laws, under customs of law, in which to do it. In the end bringing it to a tipping point, where the only way in which to escape the madness is to voluntarily terminate, which in such a case as this is never voluntary termination of  parental rights, in states that allow for such, ending the War on parents.

Termination of parental rights is what some parents are forced to consider when there veins have been sliced time and time again, by the system which is designed to prevent such abuses of the families and their children. Bahji, knows of some individuals who have been forced to "voluntarily terminate" their rights to their children as the only alternative, aside from committing suicide, to stopping the war against non-custodial parents which is continuing to happen in the shadows of silence. Bahji was even forced to consider such, however the truth is in her case, her parental rights where unlawfully terminated all but on paper, which allowed the fraud and abuse against her to continue.  In some States, such as Georgia, they would still continue the onslaught of abuse via the child support even if she officially "terminated" her rights on paper. The truth is when she has been denied access to the minor child for upward of almost a total of a decade, her parental rights have already been terminated, merely never reduced such to paper. In legal theory, that amounts to kidnapping the minor child, not just by the alleged custodial parent, but by the State agency itself. For those who are unable to stop the abuse via the state programs which are using federal taxpayer dollars to declare and continue a war on parents, they have in the past used "termination" of rights in order to stop the abuse from the system, as their only alternative. In addition to termination of the rights, to stop the abuse which is rampant throughout  this country, there is also emancipation of the children. Sadly, termination of parental rights depending on the states, might be the only way in which to stop the abuse, it may be the only way in which to take away the funding access, by cutting off the head of the snake which has grown to epic unsustainable proportions, something to consider. In war, the sacrifices are often extremely high and it is sad when a nation such as America has declared such on it's own children. The government is the one who has successful taught this nation, that money is control and when one is forced to terminate their rights, in states which authorize such, it may be the only way in which to send a clear signal to the government that the abuse against non-custodial parents and their children has got to stop, by taking away access to the variable which is required in order for the ponzi scheme against federal taxpayer dollars to continue.

For decade after decade, the system has shown that it refuses to "fix" itself, and it is an extremely sad, dark ages, when parents have to make the extremely emotional sacrifice to even consider such in order to stop the onslaught which has continued against them and their children, under customs of law for rampant and overt abuse. When a parent is knowingly denied access to visitation, they have all but in name terminated there rights, being unable to enforce a right is the same as termination of one. Termination of the parental-child relationship does what the emancipation in such," A parent may make a motion or an application to declare a child emancipated and end child support when the child is no longer “in the sphere of influence” of the parent". 

The Trauma of Everyday Life Should be Enough to Wake you up!

Reminding Rules OCSE

Abuse of the Federal Office of Child Support FFP Funds

46% of Families are poor who use the OCS Agency

Evidence of Knowingly Denying Access to Office of Child Support Programs and Services

Termination of Parental Rights Explained

Take away the State funding by removing the variable they use to abuse the non-custodial parent and the children

Termination of Parental Rights to Stop Child Support Link (Stop the Abuse of the System by cutting off it's funding)

Access and Visitation Program Grants OCSE 2019

Child Support Grants

Texas AG Access and Visitation

Georgia child support Termination of Parental Rights Laws

Emanicipation of Children

Saturday, July 6, 2019

It is Already Here in the Depths of the Unseen

The world has been opened up and shut down like never before due to the platform of the internet. With the sweeping of a flick of the fingers, those words of language typed into the coding systems of the frame-work and a quick enter and wham, instant results. At the same time, the truth behind being controlled and censored is still covert and slowly people peopling are speaking up about the future they see coming; one big snatch is that future is already in the here and the NOW. He says it, instead just "starve" a million people, because after all it is done through corrupting the law by people in positions of power corrupting it. Man, Karl Marx said it in the Communist Manifesto, and we have yet to wake up to the truth of this yet.

Poverty is Not an Accident
Danger of Eliminating Cash

They did it right under your very nose, from within

The Trauma of Everyday Life Should be Enough to Wake You Up!
Reminding Rules
Evidence of Knowingly Denying Access to Office of Child Support Programs

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Language of Money

The language of Money is the attention of the pockets holding the electronic gadgets contained within; which connect individuals to the platform of the engineered internet. The shift in humanity is changing. People are no longer public speakers, they are speaking to the public via the private forums, the internet, which may or may not actually bring individuals into old school forums, the auditorium.

Evolution and growth are unstoppable, the social status of many people, people are obsessed with it, the issue of the human species morality. Yeah, you know that thing, one calls dying; the irony is so many are already walking zombies in a time of ever-growing, extremely fast, light-speed, warping the minds contained in the human brain, one of the greatest gifts given to this species. The campaign elections are running off the platform of fear, which is linked to none other than the most basic sub-conscious programming, the mind, the ego, the "I" of people, peopling. When people walk around with that balloon filled head, they are actually the program of the computer running without ever knowing they are not in governance over their own humanity. The brainwashing of society has robbed the individuals, thus the communities built by the individuals with the stolen greatest gift given to all sentient beings, the life force of amazingly beautifully thriving heart-felt living. The Zombies of this society are the people, peopling, believing in their illusion of sophistication and failing to comprehend the bulk of what is truth in living. Money has absolutely no meaning, and yet the zombies of life are controlled by this program, no different than the burn circuit boards of the computer running the software, operating systems.

Money is not the root of all evil, the construction of the brainwashed is, the matrix that everyone talks about and fails to truly comprehend. The status which is linked to money everyone believes is the actual truth of what money is alleged to represent, the value of anything and everything, including the people, peopling who are enslaved by the brainwashing of that very matrix in which they bind themselves in by attempting to escape from it. The Office of Child Support system and the abuse under color of the law runs off of this such matrix. They claim that child support is about the "value" of the best interest of the minor child, or children. While there may be some employees who work within the system who are good individuals, it does not change the circle of the truth of what had or has been happening regarding the manner in which they have clearly treated low-income families for profit, claiming their rights to life, to being a human being was no longer valued in the most disgusting, horrendous, manner, which begs the question how is that not a holocaust in which to kill the living for no other reason than for pure hatred.

The status of money does not hate itself, it is the actions and behaviors of the individuals who use its linked status to power which binds the energy of the living to the dead. In order for the energy in this human existence to manifest, sentient beings must wake the fuck up. Waking the fuck up has to do with sitting, sitting in silence, sitting in the practice and literally growing the energy the most powerful life-force, true power from within. The human body was given the human heart for a reason, it is the most powerful generator, the mother-board of this human existence and how it is impacted is no different than the battery of the computer being drained by the operating system which is running all day and night without any care for the systems proper function. The language of money is used for good or evil, that means it can be backed by heartfelt love, compassion, or used for chaos, destruction. The world does not require opposites in order to flourish from its comprehension, it does not require suffering in order to grasp what true love is. The Power of Love is in the heart-cave, where any human being can access its bank account; yet the brainwashing of society has it well hidden in the lies by using the language of money, which is measuring the human value system.

In the Case of Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support, this case was clearly about the human issue of HUMAN rights in order to make a basic living, the value that any human being in American would consider a righteous standard living. The account that the system allowed a member of the species to abuse another member of the species using the language of money to do it is the very core of the fundamental language of the money used in power structures. In order to begin to comprehend how to shift that power structure and impact the language of money, the masses, via the single individual will have to manifest the shifting of the present language of money which is engrained in the people, peopling existence, the current framework of such social structure is forced to its tipping point and no matter what it is presently shifting; the question is does the lower-income scale and middle class want to be a part of its shifting structure or do they want to continue being slaves to it. The following links are some insight in the evolution of how language is shifting and with the shift in language a new framework structure is being constructed, the question is who in society will be at the forefront of it, and who will be the slowest ones to wake up to it.

The ones at the forefront of it, are the ones which are on the internet speaking the truth about the shifting of the consciousness, the deconstruction of the shifting process is currently happening in the here and NOW. The bandaid to cover the wound can no longer sustain the hemorrhage bleeding contained within that the world wanted to believe was not festering from destroying this species from within. So who is ready to be a contender to do the work required to shift the evolution of the human species back into the power which we were all meant to contain within, the heart, by the power of love held within. The tides are shifting, so sit-down in silence and just do it. Get really intimate with that which is contained within. Do the research and unleash the only true power which comes from within the beating heart linked to all existence of this human species. Deconstruct the bullshit sold, which was once bought, which no even understood they were buying, by exposing what it really is; the power of a construct which brainwashed this species to sleep from within.

Male Privilege Explained
Power and Control Wheel Understanding the Wheel
Emotional Abuse
Money is a Language
The Trauma of Everyday Life
Evidence of State Abuse of Power against Bahji and her minor child

The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication

Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun...