Sunday, June 30, 2019

Escape from Reality

Very few people are awake enough to bring themselves towards true enlightenment. Enlightenment is literally bringing the light from within. It is about the fundamental essence of energy and with energy consciousness expands, meaning the ability for all things in the tangible material reality to become manifested. The whole group-think is the program which many in society at large call people. That really is a bunch of robotic people just going through life on autopilot which is really people, peopling. They are playing a part of being a person in life, believing that they are actually who and what they believe in their minds to be. An example is beautifully explained in the book, Buddha walks into the Bar. One of the discussions speaks about Hamlet wrote, "There is nothing good or bad thinking makes it so". Continuing into the paradigm of the culture example of having a beer. Really when one gets right down to it, unless that beer is being used by the body to sustain its life for medical purpose, it really has no other purpose than to create dis-ease both in the body and ultimately manifested in the social by the group-think. The question of "good" or bad" is the intelligence of the mind in a society which removes one from the body knowing, the heart-cave, of what is not only life-thriving for the body, but for the life-force of the individual as well as the large part of society. It is a intellectual manner of placing a label onto the "like" or "dislike" for the ego, the I, to feast upon.

The author discusses the difference between abusing the process of drinking a beer as a means to escape which is mostly the subconscious programming many are unaware they are doing today, as that program has so subtly been programmed in, it is like a ghost program hiding underneath the scenes which is really running all things. The author states, "having a beer" itself really isn't a bad thing, which starts the whole "likes" and "dislikes" instead of letting it be. Words are used to paint pictures in order to bring about what exactly. When one thinks about it, that is the whole of society. Many things being done which, even if many are unaware, are actually destroying the human species. So imagine that the beer is consumed by millions on the planet and there is pollution which comes from it, does it change the author's view on the group think mentality of having a beer. The point is that Buddha was saying there is no need for suffering when one quiets the mind and has governance over it, anyone can be happy with the simplicity of milk and honey.

The author in a roundabout way maybe attempting to articulate that point, who knows, for really the irony is a discussion face to face would assist in the lost in translation part of it; yet the strange loop of even language keeps one entranced until they have the firmness, the strength in which to understand the words which have truly been written or spoken.

At the beginning of the divorce proceedings, Adam Todd George and his brother left voicemail messages on Bahji's answering machine. They claimed she was not "taking" their "preschool" child to school for much need schooling. Regardless of the child's "No Child Left Behind" programs or other special needs, yet Adam George had no issue continually going into court to request that the minor child be taken from Georgia to Seattle, Washington, for holidays, the father had never even celebrated with his son and wife before their divorce. Adam wanted to take the minor child to see grandparents who told the minor child when he was 13 months old, when he was exploring a toy that he was, "stupid" for taking the toy apart. These are only some of the voicemail messages they left for her, they demonstrate that Bahji was subjected to a Traumatic Brain Injury at the beginning of the divorce and later they would attempt to use that brain injury along with her other impairments against her.

Matt George informs Bahji, in not so many words, she will have to get a, "job once" all the proceedings go through. Once again, how would Matt George, Adam's brother know the alleged "outcome" of the divorce proceedings. Bahji was not working due to her multiple disabilities, and yet it would take upward of 12 decades to be able to start to stop the abuse and yet in many facets, the abuse still continues. The case of Turner v. Rogers explains this type of behavior is a "no", "no" in not so many words, may the dogs explain the issue of abuse that took place over a decade when the law was clearly established at least since 1989, and in the case of Turner since 2012.

Trauma of everyday life should be enough to wake up

VoiceMail Messages by Matt George Adam Todd George's Brother at beginning of Divorce

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Calling out the Child Support System On YouTube will get your Youtube Account Suspend when the deep Truth is revealed apparently.

YouTube still suspending the account to access a community to have comments and discussion regarding the abuse of the Child Support Office and parties who knowingly violated the rights of Bahji. The email sent by Youtube today fails to identify and alleged violations of their claimed "policies". This is what Alex Jones was speaking about regarding the private corporations being used as "censored" tools now that the evolution of the species uses them as the public "platform" in which to speak about issues among of things. The alleged guidelines state that the "profanity" is not allowable, and yet LondonReal using such, just check out this link, London Real using the Word "Fuck!n"; apparently there is monetization of profanity regarding the youtube using ads, Use of Profanity on Youtube by others Or hey, how about this guy who uses the Word "shi!" in his title, Using the Word Shit in Title on Youtube

The truth is that the system like Justice Kagan said, is "broken". That does not mean there are not good people attempting to make the public law 93-647 do what it was intended to do, yet it is a beast that has gotten way out of control. Unsure how old the video is where the older lady is calling out the system however she does shed some light on the subject.

Bahji even applied for employment positions with the Vermont Office of Child Support, before they started to abuse her, clearly, they did not call her for an interview. Child Support Slavery, says kinda what is going on, yet in this case, Bahji is a woman and she was incarcerated twice for standing on her rights to address her medical care per her disabilities as the many blogs explain. STOP saying it is woman abusing men, it is parent abusing another parent regardless of gender. She has not been able to foster a parent-child relationship with her son since he was 4 years old, yet there is no court order terminating her right, yet clearly, that is a termination of rights when she is unable to access her child. He does explain title IV-D funds, though so from that standpoint, he is speaking the truth regarding Title IV-D funds. The truth is that title IV-D refuses to obey their own "playbook" and there is not one parent who wrote their book.

The video of the young man calling out the system by showing that food-stamps is limited to maximums that the state welfare will pay out. That reality, truth, is really on point, nicely stated regarding the truth of that regarding the psychological "holocaust" and the failure of accountability by the system.

Check out other blogs to be educated on the truth

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Calling out the System

Blog in 2013

youtube links who use the word "terrorism" and "state" regarding child support

Child Support Slavery

Calling out by showing Welfare is a set amount

Youtube Suspension Email

Alex Jones Suspended by Youtube

Friday, June 28, 2019

Google Threatens to Disable Account based on What?

The fundamental principles of freedom of the press and the right to free speech demonstrate that the internet is already being censored.

The definition of terrorism is, "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." "the fight against terrorism"

Now that is just the definition based on a quick google search of the word according to the culture of the internet. 

The following email was sent from Google when attempting to access the email account, of course when there is no link to the submit request on whom to send such dispute to without dishonor. So maybe you guys might want to start following another blog listed in the links. 


The Google Account is now disabled. It looks like it was being used in a way that violated Google's policies.

We understand your account is important to you. So if you think this was a mistake, sign in to the disabled account and submit a request to restore it. You'll need to do this soon, because disabled accounts are eventually deleted, along with your emails, contacts, photos, and other data stored with Google. Learn more about Google policies.
The Google Accounts team

However, this young man is saying child support is "slavery and domestic terrorism" and it totally okay according to youtube. STOP MAKING this about gender and start shifting the abuse into the original heart of the pub.l.93-647 goal, which is to reduce, eliminate, and prevent dependency of children and the vulnerable adults on the State and Federal welfare system.

Child Support youtube Video that uses the word terrorism

Another website incase this one gets shut down.

In case of being Censored use this website

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Sometimes Other's In-Sight shed amazing light on the Subjects

Sometimes other's walks in life shed amazing in-sight into the issues, knee-deep in the swamp; which are needed in the dark tunnel to bring someone or a nation into the light.

Hope this link provides such for those wishing to transcend the issues in America and find solutions to this growing epic dis-eased problem.

Also, check out some other blogs shining a bright spotlight on how to start to calm the monkey mind to bring about the change we all wish to see by becoming it from within the essence of your own being.
Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Trauma of Everyday life Should be Enough to Wake You Up!

The truth shall set you free, the slogan of the Central Intelligence Agency, the private organization that acts on behalf of the "People" of the United States. Those people in the States of the union. Those words once upon a time meant something. The ideology that words become slogans used for marketing of a brainwashing of society creating more clones living in the neurosis of the individual ego, the mind, the "I" of society collectively becoming the iron-clad, harden rock built upon a fault-line and in the end it is just a matter of time when the true power underneath reminds the universal individuals of the truth of the force found within. Bottom-line is life is not about betrayal and suffering, it is about being a-live. The illusions sold is dis-ease wrapped in pretty gift-wrapping paper to present on the outside hiding the rotten core that is spoiling from within, hidden in plain site.

The truth is that freedom, true freedom is discipline practiced until there is absolute freedom from the mind, not freedom for the mind. Like building a house on a fault-line, the truth is not that there is no fault line, it is that an individual built a house upon the cliffs in which would bring about its own destruction and then cries saying in anguish, "why God", "why"; when the answer was there in the beginning, the individual refused to accept the fault line and its power would surface at some point in time. Waking the sleeping giant from within.

Growing up in a pool of sickness, calling it happiness and living the "good life" does not change what it truly is, it merely becomes an optical illusion played by a building of distortion of the truth in the mind, literal bio-chemical, energetic addiction to the mental sickness, regardless of the ideology gift basket it comes wrapped in.

Regardless of the words used to pervert the core of the being of this species, the body-knowing, the heart-cave is a source of unquenchable fire. The story of Bahji is shared for educational, enlightenment purposes. The individuals who say this is just a "natural" way of life, are the very individuals in which one needs to remove themselves from for they are the reinforcement of the sickness of the dis-ease of the planet which is eating not only the planet alive from the inside, it is feasting upon the organism, called the human being. Natural Selection is living in "harmony", being in harmony. Harmony is cooperation, not chaos and destruction which is rampant in the trauma of the so-called "everyday normal life". There is nothing normal about creating suffering and inflicting it upon another human being, it is barbaric, the behavior of a dark-ages, which is anything but civilized. When someone makes a slogan saying that suffering is a must for enlightenment, they fail to have a firm grasp or the necessary strength to comprehend what was rightfully stolen from them, a birth-right on being born into this world to grow out of it. It is all part of the lie which is culturally in-grained in the plaque pool of dis-ease, the ego, the mind. The reality is the culture has taught you via its ABCs to worship the mind, which is the dis-ease for the culture intentionally refused to teach you to harness its true unlimited powers. The ABCs created this "mind" "think" of chemical and neuro energy which become a subtle, extremely tangible, hardened branding classified by the outside of what one really "thinks" they are; stored in the physical part of the body, the brain. Yes, the reality is that the human being is not the mind, the mind was a gift to the body.

The evolution of our species was given the amygdala, that smart, superior part of the brain in which its only function was to KEEP the body alive. Even in its evolution, it isn't as smart as the heart cave, that body-knowing, which said, hey, what if this thing, we shall call, memory was downloaded to this brain's hard-drive, would it support the amygdala to act as a short-cut, short-hand script, or a link to respond even faster to keep the body alive. Then along came this language in order to communicate, what if this gets added, will it speed up the ability for the human to keep itself alive, it surely must since the memory of being able to remember the threats have worked out so well. This amazing tool, the word, the language was created in order to be a tool to keep the body alive, for the ability to respond to threats against the death of the body much quicker. Then out of language became this subtle body within the brain, the unseen yet acknowledged medical-mind, which ran amok creating havoc and chaos. This is what is seen within this modern culture, thus the slaying of the true natural selection, killing harmony and peace along with it for the dis-ease of this culturally induced all worshiped mind. Thus the birth of a Nation built upon a house of cards, which has destroyed the fundamental essence of empowerment which radiates from the inside.

The joke is the mind actually calls this a success, when the truth is it is the limitations of a dis-ease, no longer properly working mind. Medical Science, the practice of mental health, of the mind, has several words for this, however, insanity sums it up the best. Individual people walking around in their civilized enculturate minds, actually believe that this is the definition of living life and that insanity is for the mentally ill and they are unable to see the true reflection from the calm lake for their ability to see is extremely shallow. The truth is hidden in the lies, such as the documents attached to this blog showing the motion for Request for Dismissal and Withdraw of the Office of Child Support services against Bahji, after she filed three Federal Laws suits requesting equal access to the Office of Child Supports for purpose of access to programs and services she and the minor child could have benefited from. This Motion comes only after the Office of Child Support, state actors knowingly destroyed an innocent person's life. This is the lie within a lie that society says is okay by their justification that is it "normal" part of life for people to subject other individuals to known harm. Maybe in the dark ages of barbarians and savages, maybe, however in a world of "civilized" individuals, it is the sign of a Cult-group think mind, as Rose McGown, an advocate of the #metoo movement so sadly while gracefully articulates using that downloaded tool called language.

The truth shall set one free from the bondage of the veiled mind, when it sits with the pain inflicted by the justification of people, peopling. That is only the beginning of basic training, to deconstruct the dis-ease that a sick culture instilled within one's mind. Stories are shared as part of that program of keeping the species alive, and yet the truth of what a life truly is, continually is evaded by the language of a culture which has been suppressed by addictions of the original sin, for in the beginning was the Word; what they failed to inform human beings, was the word has power not only for when it is spoken, it has power literally coming from within. Pain, is a wake-up call and the modern trauma from this sick enculturated everyday life should be enough to wake this whole planet up; yet it is within these stories, stories of truth, such as Bahji's that the memory of the true threats are contained in. They show that this society, which claims to be so civilized is, in fact, barbaric, those barbarians rationalizing, justifying and selling you lies, in order to keep the Ponzi scheme "a-live".

In a modern great nation such as the Lady land of the "free", America, no one should ever have to die, to reveal the truth of some government, state actors lie(s), which impact the whole Nation at large. Sadly the suicide rate of non-custodial parents is 30 percent according to studies and that is just way too many lives taken all for the illusion of "paper". The truth is one too many. It is time to stop the abuse and change millions of adults and children lives by exposing truth, accepting it, and holding "our" "collective" "group" think of "customs" accountable in order for this nation of human beings to model what empowerment and liberation truly are in the truth of being alive.

When the Office of Child Support filed this motion with the Vermont Court, the Vermont Court granted its request. It is in-humane, terrorism at it's greatest, sickest level, under the guise of sophistication when it takes upward of a decade, time spent which no amount of slogan of linguistic saying will ever replace. Tremendous suffering, forcing one individual to take an untraveled road, of extreme torment and pain, inflicted upon them, for them to carry the weight of the world within their heart-cave, much like the images of Atlas Shrugged, for this species is advanced and civilized without the necessary strength to overcome the gravity of the cultures sickness to expose the truth of the deep-rooted dis-ease, when reality is the trauma of everyday life has gotten so rotten it should be enough, to wake all sentient human-beings the fuck up.  That is, nor will ever be a normal structure to civilized life.  The Office of Child Support motion shows the continued abuse, via the lie, and all that was required to continued the abuse is for "good" people to do nothing. That created the perfect storm in which Bahji's life was nearly taken, time and time again. There is nothing about that type of oppression which is "normal" to a civilized society, point blank it is a culture sickness. Running from this truth by slogans is just another lie in which to maintain the sickness, a continuous loop. The truth is present in the lies, so read, digest it, sit with it, and let it penetrate, piercing into your heart-cave, that is the fundamental manner in which empowerment speaks to all the living.

The TRUTH is culture is built by "customs" spoken and unspoken, hidden in plain sight. One such horrendous true story built off the back of an innocent human being shows that in November 2016 after being subjected to oppressive abuse under color of law, an innocent human being tormented, subject to extreme suffering, and pain, the Vermont Courts granted the motion for the Office of Child Support to "withdrawal" and "terminate" it's alleged services to both parties. Regardless of what any word or slogan says, it is suffering by another individual upon the flesh in the tangible world, the reality of another. When a society uses words to dilute the truth, much like water-down vodka, it does not change the truth of what it is, watered down vodka, it only encourages the lie that is sold, that is it vodka without the truth of it being watered down, exposed. To accept the truth of what it is is the way to true liberation and empowerment. To continue to deny what it is, denying empowerment keeps the iron-mask iron-clad upon the custom of the "think-tank" mind. The truth is this behavior is a "custom", "group-think" which is eroding a great nation of human beings and accepting responsibility for that is paramount in order for this "civilized" "nation" to transcend. Suffering does not have to present itself in life, for any human being to awaken, it is only the "group-think" mind which makes one say, "okay I will believe it", it is the ego of individuals selling more of the custom of the "ego", monkey-mind, disguise. The truth is the "consuming" world structure rest upon the masses becoming numb, comfortably to such lies sold to them, in which to sustain the "consumer", "drive", lifestyle, a custom within customs of alleged civilized pyramids.

The Motion from the Office of Child Support reads; "the OCS believes it is in the best interest of the child and the state to terminate services and proceedings." Congress enacted a law which addresses the issue of Plain Language and well word for word, the motion clearly states, the intent is granting to "terminate", "services" and "proceedings". With those words spoken, via the written language reduced to paper, Kristen Vanckren knowingly wrote an email to then, Bahji's employer SouthWest Airlines, whom she was on medical leave from, stating, "the document this employee sent you reflects that we dismissed an enforcement proceeding for non-payment of child support." The point is, the Court granted the "termination" and "withdrawal" of "services" and "proceedings"; after years of "unofficially", without any lawful authority denying her access to avail her self of the oppression, in a simple word, abuse. The motion was granted and yet the words in the email are used with intent to continue the Vermont Office of Child Support IWO effectuated as a service offered to Adam George, by the Office of Child Support, regardless of the Court order that services would no longer be provided to either party.

That behavior is known as "custom" which breeds the iron-clad culture group "think-mind", denying Bahji access to the Office of Child Support to bring resolution and solution to the abuse she had been suffering by being forced to attempt to access the Office of Child Support for purpose of alleged modification of the alleged order they purported to effectuate against her. This is the custom, the "group-think" of the beehive of that subtle "mind", the ego, the veil, the barrier between the "truth" and the multiple "lies", which distorts the vision, like muddy water in a glass which does not allow one to see with clarity. Only when the mud settles is the water clear enough to see the truth or truths from the lies.

Public Law 93-647
Link to Email Evidence of Kristen Vanckren regarding Services After VT Court Order for Dismissal
Let it Sink In
Vermont Office of Child Support Motion to Withdraw and Terminate Services
Order granting withdrawal and termination of services
Entertainment Version of Turner v. Rogers Oral Argument

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Abuse of the Trustee Process by the Office of Child Support

     Adam Todd George, the alleged custodial parent of the parties minor child, the biological father, in fact, wrote the Office of Child Support for the State of Vermont, Kelly Seargent on Wednesday, June 11th, 2014, when he received garnishment payments from Delta Airlines, Inc in the amount of $251.87. It also shows according to Kelly Seargent there were ex parte communications with the Vermont Supreme Court regarding the appeal Bahji had filed concerning her rights which were knowingly at all times being denied her. Access to the Office of Child Support was one of those rights being denied her, intentionally for FFP, Federal Financial Participation funds to the State Coffers and directly linked to the employment of the Office of Child Support Staff salaries. She states, "she did not file all the documents she was supposed to and the court will be dismissing it..." meaning they know the outcome of the decision before the decision has officially been made.

Kelly Sergeants also informs and makes it clear to Mr. George that Bahji had filed a workers compensation claim, regarding the events of June 21st, 2014 when Delta Airlines, inc refused to provide Bahji with reasonable accommodations and sent her home from work with no return date in which to return to work. She claims the worker's compensation contacted her and that they have no idea what the claim is regarding, yet. The alleged claim was filed with the worker's compensation on May 31st, 2014. However, Kelly Sergeant believes she is at liberty to discuss medical impairments of Bahji Adams with Mr. George and violate HIPPA laws. Adam George's response is that of his receipt of $251.87 from two weeks of pay for the month of June, showing that the alleged $301.00, which he claimed he had rights to have garnished from her pay could not reasonably garnish, even at 60% of her pay the full alleged amount he had claimed owed to him. This, fact, alone is a clear indication that the Office of Child Support and Adam George worked in tandem to deny Bahji access to the Office of Child Support for purpose of modification of the alleged child support amount, which they both had knowledge could not be fulfilled, by their own admissions via their own emails.

Adam also acknowledges abuse of the tax intercept, for the fraud upon the tax agency that he knowingly was performing against Bahji rights and denial of her rights to access and enforce her rights pursuant to the United States Constitutions. Agencies do not have the authority to violate individual procedural or substantive rights as clearly stated in the Turner v. Rogers the United States Supreme Court case. Adam also continues to speak libel for his attitude towards Bahji, in her standing on her rights, standing grounds against his abusive known fraud, oppression against her human rights as a "rant", showing bias attitudes and intent of Office of Child Support and Mr. George to knowingly deprive and subject her to oppression for abuse under color of law.

Despite the notice of dismissal of multiple Trustee of Process, if anybody is not convinced that the Office of Child Support, its state agents are not obligated to act as Trustees of the public trust of the social security act, they clearly do not understand nor comprehend trust law. The Trustee process was dismissed as due to Federal law it was not in compliance with the goals and hearts of public law 93-647, which is the congressional authority in which they all purported to act. They can not claim a trustee process and go against public law 93-647 for it erodes the authority granted to the alleged state-actors of any authority in which to act, meaning they at all times knowingly acted outside of Congressional Authority, known as abuse under color of law, using a public office for private benefit.
Despite this evidence, the Office of Child Support Kristen Vanckren knowingly continued to use the court systems in which to oppress, via terrorism via paper war she had declared against Bahji Adams most basic fundamental rights of human rights and it continued for upward of two more years.

Notice the federal law governing the Consumer Debt on the Information of Wage withholding garnishment. At no time does the alleged notice list a right for access to the Office of Child Support for modification, even though, remember the Federal Office of Child Support, OCSE, stated that States are required to provide notification to both parents of their rights in accessing the programs. The notice is written with no notice to the alleged noncustodial parent regarding any ability or right in order to access the office of child support for purpose of modification or that they are authorized and mandated to modify the child support order without request or authorization from either alleged parent.  This demonstrates intent of the programs failure to perform in accordance not only with Federal laws governing equal access and rights to non-custodial parents, it demonstrates an intent to act in custom, by design of covert sophistication in order to continue to deny non-custodial parents their rights, so that they are forced into dealing with abuse and not provided their rights and then rubber-stamping their actions so that no one is able to stand up against them. The Consumer Protection Act 15 U.S.C. 1673 (b) is listed regarding the limits which can be wage-withheld. That notice and their awareness of federal laws did not stop them from abusing that law against Bahji and them modifying the alleged order to read "annually" and taking upward of $800.00 dollars from an alleged authorized amount of only $601.00 a month, by saying they somehow have a right to annualize child support even if the alleged order reads, "monthly". The notice further clarifies that behavior is unlawful, in that it reads clearly, "If the entire amount cannot be withheld from your wages, any unpaid  child support accumulations as an arrears balance (a debt owed either to the state or the custodial parent...)" At no time, did the Courts of either Georgia or Vermont authorize any alleged "arrears" payments, yet despite that, the Office of Child Support via Kelly Sergeant and Kristen Vankren and ultimately the State Courts in an attempt to cover up the unlawful actions turned arrears payments into "annual" authorization for the Office of Child Support to collect, yet claim this is not a modification of the alleged original order. That behavior smells like the most disgusting rotten odor possible to imagine, as it is in every essence stating the Office of Child Support will modify any alleged order for enforcement breaking further rights, yet deny alleged non-custodial parents rights for purpose of modification even when their own records at the maximum federal limits demonstrates that the alleged original order cannot in any way be maintained or fulfilled.

However exposing this terrorism is somehow according to Adam Todd George, a "rant". When in fact, Kelly Seargent states that the alleged additional amount of the two months above the alleged $601.00 a month is, justifiable, as, "OCS did not receive/garnish the full obligation of $601 that month and we should have if the funds were available, this is in addition to the $500 voluntary payment." The payment in order to get her passport, a mandatorily required item for employment. In fact, her email shows how the Office of Child Support for the State of Vermont modified the payments of the child support amount, and at the same time refused to provide Bahji access for purpose of modification to the program. She continues to state how the garnishment is actual arrearages and not payments towards the monthly child support in the justification of, "The extra funds in the months when there are five periods will offset the shortages for the months with only four pay periods. It all works out in the end if there are consistent payments." That has never been what any alleged Court order said they had authority to do, in fact, NO court issued any alleged child support arrears which demonstrate the Office of Child Support modified the conditions of the alleged child support original order while continuing to deny Bahji access for modification when they knew her monthly paychecks could not sustain such abusive amounts.

Kristen Vankcrekn, being a Bar attorney must report the fraud and abuse, she had access to knowledge of such and refused to perform in accordance with governing rights and law, and that is no different than domestic terrorism, treason against the United States Constitution, even if done by means of sophistication via paper; fundamentally the simulating of legal process under color of law is no different than extremist such as Isis using physical terrorism. As she works for the State, she must stop the abuse, as she is directly duty-bound. Her refusal demonstrates intent too use the same oppression, abuse, via continual terror inflicting fear in the human being. However, don't take the author's words for it, read it in the transcript that the United States Supreme Court, in not so many words acknowledges, that the program regarding alleged child support, is "broken" and does not work, "JUSTICE KAGAN: -- suppose the Court thinks that -- suppose the Court looks at this record and thinks this is a broken system and a violation of due process...".

The attorney arguing showed the government statics, "MR. WAXMAN: I think it is -- the contrary is true. According to government statistics, 70 percent of noncustodial parents either have no income or have income less than $10,000, and, therefore, in a State -- in every State that accepts TANF funds, which is every State, they are represented by the State the agency, and South Carolina, in this case, has made a rule that in-State cases -- and that also includes nonwelfare cases where the -- a custodial parent has chosen to be represented by the State -- the State entirely carries its prosecutorial burden by filing a rule to show cause and an affidavit showing the arrearages, and that places the burden, which South Carolina says is a heavy burden, on the defendant to prove an inability to comply as a condition of maintaining his liberty. In this, demonstrating in the case of Bahji, the Office of Child Support was placed on legal notice to perform for purpose of equal access to the programs, instead, they knowingly inflicted torture upon her mentally, emotionally, and ultimately physical by way of declaring paper wars on her financially. They claimed a private person was supporting Bahji, which was untrue and they make it clear that maybe the private person would help her out again, so much for the laws governing the heart of public law 93-647 which is for self-support in order for individuals on welfare to eliminate, reduce, and prevent their own dependency on the federally funded Title IV-A programs, and anyone actually questions who in this case is telling the truth.

Kelly Sergeants Email 2014 to Adam George and his response
Withdrawal of Trustee Process
Evidence of knowingly violating the Federal Consumer Protection Act

Title IV-D
Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts

Turner v Rogers Transcript

Monday, June 24, 2019

Family Violence and Welfare

In a culture which is rampant with justification regarding a "group think", as Rose McGowen so on point explains; the mental belief that it is more than okay for state-actors to abuse parents via a system, particularly when one of the parents is being subjected to domestic violence, one might say, "Houston we have a problem".

What is a victim of violence to do when the system is used against her or him, against America's children, and that system knowingly agrees to become an extension of the abuser? How does society respond to a social crisis, by stating to the victim, "what makes you so damn special". Just because the "law corrupts", as Karl Marx pointed out expressing such reality long ago, doesn't mean that it is legal. Abuse under color of law is exactly that, the law corrupting, not due to it written down in legal terms on paper, it corrupts by the social sophistication, or a group think which acts as the custom of law or laws, which deals the blows to the victim laying the foundation of the corrupted house of cards.

The case of Turner v. Rogers, Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support, demonstrate the laws on the books don't apply to anyone other than the victims, who the system knowingly makes profit off of and yet individuals believe quoting laws, or filing papers is what will transform this culture's sickness, this dis-ease which is engrained in the growing population.

The thrill of chasing the experience, of requiring more and more "stuff" to feed the addictive filled mind with more dis-ease taking the road traveled by the masses, leading this species to the tipping points of destruction. The industries of business abusing individuals for business is not able to sustain itself and watch as the world becomes a place unseen, like nothing before. The house of cards is no longer able to sustain the illusion. The marketing, the subtle indoctrination of the ABCs of the "group-think" having taken place over centuries of years of what one says is "raising" a child in modern-day must shift in how to feed the health of this nation, in order to truly heal and address the dis-ease which is manifesting into other things. Exploring the limits of the species, pushing the physical limits, and believing it is about providing mental strength to demand the body do more, push beyond the limits which this society has defined, when in reality what it is doing is making robot machines, cutting out the heart, feeding the ego, the monkey-mind rampant with rabies. There is a way to empower the human species and it is not by implementing more ABCs rituals or "group-think" of seeking the biochemical rush of endorphins, adrenaline, by the "oud thoughts" in the individuals head for that is the foundation of simply continuing to feed addiction and calling it something other than by its rightful name. 

In case one missed the other blogs exposing the simple truth of how a government agency, via its state-actors was knowingly used to silence, through domestic terrorism, via the variable of a child born into this world to grow out of it, follow the links to expose the eyes by lifting the veil in which has branded our species of heartless, destruction, and abusive. The truth is to practice true silence is the simple way in which to fix the chaos of the world, empowerment is built by not preaching new cool sayings, it is by abiding in silence, not just having a silent room; actually quieting down the "loud thoughts" in the head, just like Spidey said.

Death by a thousand paper cuts for exposing the truth
Statements of programs showing abuse of Non-custodial parents
True Silence is quieting the thoughts in ones head

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The ABCs of the Modern Abusive Culture

The truth is the veil is so thin, the peopling class of human being is unable to see it. Blinded by the ABCs of the truth of it, when one grows up in a culture rampant with subtle abuse, one grows out of it believing it is totally normal and that the behavior that grows out of it is totally justifiable. The addictions which have the illusion of being socially accepted, such as alcohol, current drugs which are becoming legal, are just the numbing agents to coat the real addictions which lay under them.  The real addictions are being unable to sit in silence. To sit, stay, to address the truth of the saying of Spiderman, "why are my thoughts so loud in my head", is the truth of the dis-ease, the real addiction in society, and very few are awakened to it.

The truth is abide in silence, go back to your breath. Breath in and breath out and just sit with all of it and do nothing about it. Just as the moon pulls the tide upon the shores, just go back to the breath, breathing in-breathing-out, and place nothing upon the truth of that simple moment.

Abiding in Silence Modeling TedTalks

David Icke on London Real

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Human Body is Built by Energy

It is amazing how numb the mass population has become. Riddled with the fixes, the many wants at the finger-tips of a civilized tipping point of the human evolution of the era of this culture. Bruce Lipton explains how the human body is made up of trillion of cells living in a community and shares the scientific knowledge and understanding of just how powerful our species is, and how diluted the vodka is that society has been selling.

At some point it is time to just start being the practice, otherwords it is all words neatly placed on a shelf. Thus it really takes nothing to be kind. Just be it, stop putting it on the fridge as a fancy slogan. Like Nike says, Just Do it.

Bruce Lipton

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Chronic Lower Back Pain and Sports Therapy

One of the most expensive disabilities in the commerce of the business of business is the break-down of individual bodies. Data from the CDC demonstrates that employers do have control over employees access to medical care and employer conditions to assist with the rehabilitation needs of individuals with chronic lower back pain. It just is not reinforced culture behavior in the workforce market. One such private program, which is advocating for the empowerment of individuals to assist in taking control of their own health, is the medical program at Dartmouth Hitcock grounded in "sports therapy" in the rehabilitation of chronic lower back pain. This means that the culture behind the old medical models, a belief system, must evolve with the actual physical implementation of the program.

In one medical publication, the medical theory that in some medical cases "resting" and "medication" actually makes the disabilities and chronic back pain worse. This was the case with Bahji; although the Office Child Support refused to acknowledge her medical bio-individuality needs and implementation, does not change what her medical needs have at all times been. While not all spinal medical cases will require such rehabilitation, and some will require surgeries, it does not negate that the medical decision(s) are the patients to make with the assistance of sound reasonable medical judgment. In Bahji's case, she was abused by the Office of Child Support for the very instances of implementing her rehabilitative needs governing her chronic low back pain, the disability they refused to believe. The medical publication acknowledges that passive "resting" makes the medical issue worse, in cases such as hers and yet she was called a "liar" for implementing physical therapies.  She was subjected to low socioeconomic status (with poor quality of life and limited resources) and the Office of Child Support and Adam Todd George created the dis-ease, the paper terrorism, by kidnapping her rights, stripping them away, starting on paper which leads to abuse under color of law manifesting in real-time physical reality; and in the end, accomplishing nothing towards the heart of the publicly enacted federal laws. Amounting to destroying an individual who wanted just to be able to "live" a "normal" American life, a right of what many consider a "civilized" nation to be, not just represent in a mirage of an ideology only, dead all but in the illusion of theories associated with the name of a once great country. 

The American with Disabilities Act was enacted to address the vulnerability of the species, so one would ponder what is the black-lash towards such a hatred for those individuals who stand their grounds for access to such enacted authorities and powers granted by Congressional enactment.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

United States Supreme Court States Non-Custodial Parents have Rights to Procedural and Substantive Safeguards

In 2012, a man out of the Carolina's was imprisoned for 12 months, for alleged child support; willingly failing to pay according to the Plaintiff in the case. In the case, it was private parties regarding the dispute. If the man was really as low-income as the record says he was, and dealing with his own "addictions" which all compassionate rights, one would in good belief want to see him given assistance in order to build the strength to overcome them, then how was it he spent 12 months in jail for Civil Contempt of court, in which they claimed he could "purge" himself.

     The United States Supreme Court in oral argument said some interesting statements, mostly asking the question to the attorney general and the lawyer arguing on behalf of Turner, what if that Court,  the highest law in the land, stated that the program is broken and does not work. If that case before the court, gave the impression from the standpoint that the man had filed a pauper's affidavit filed in the court record and that attorneys claimed that was not enough evidence to prove the man did not have the means in which to pay the alleged child support, then why have the affidavits filed on the record to begin with.

    It clearly gives the impression that child support cases are in fact the debtor's prison system of the modern civilized society and will remain so until enough of the 11.5 million-plus growing single-parents unionize to grow together to bring about change.

   If one doesn't believe in the words on the paper, read and listen for yourself the United States Supreme Court decisions; clearly, don't take the bloggers written words for it. Do the research with the advancements of the click of the new age pen.

   On another note, the case of Hardwick in the State of California, appealed all the way to the United States Supreme Court made it clear that State Officials "lying" is beyond the scope of their employment of which they are not granted "absolute" immunity. The mother filed suit in the State of California, and won, which went to the United States Supreme Court, the Daughter filed suit in the Federal Courts. The links below show the United States Supreme Court refused to overturn the mother's rights which made it clear that State agency actors may not lie in any capacity, click on Hardwick for the website linked to the lawyer who stood up for Justice.

Turner v. Rogers
The Lying Case No Absolute Immunity for Violation of Law
The Lying Case Youtube
United States Supreme Court refused to overturn Jury award in Hardwick
Entertainment Version of Turner v Rogers Oral Argument

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Statue Creates Federal Mechanisms to Assist States including Federal Courts

The Federal Office of Child Support explains the roles of the Federal Courts regarding the Title IV-D programs, by its statement, "The Statue" meaning the Social Security Act Title IV-D, pub.l. 93-647, targeting the issue of "creates several Federal mechanisms to assist the States in performing their paternity and child support enforcement functions. These include use of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Federal Courts, and the FPLS." The Jurisdiction is authorized in federal courts, the United States; is limited by the application of the Secretary which must approve jurisdiction on behalf of the States desire to access the United States Courts, individuals are not limited to such scope. This does not mean that individuals are not legally and lawful authorized pursuant to Civil Rights Acts or Congressional Acts of 1983 claims in which to access the jurisdictions of the United States Courts, in order to address alleged enforcement or denial in equal access to the Federal-State Co-Operative for States violating under abuse of color of law. Congress "authorized the use of Federal courts to enforce interstate cases,"; which provided jurisdiction to individuals who are being denied equal access to alleged programs and services, as they would have that right before any alleged State court could request via application for the Federal Court to be granted powers to oversee the State for alleged enforcements measures within the Federal Courts. Since Congress enacted the jurisdiction, one would reason, for alleged enforcement measures, they authorized individuals jurisdiction in which to resolve abuse under color of law, for the Federal Courts to oversee the proper implementation of the programs, as it is Federal funds which are paying for the majority of the co-operative programs.

In 2001 the Demographic Trends demonstrated over 11.5 million single-parents and their minor child or children(s) lives could be impacted and those suffering from abuse via state-actors who have egregiously used the program to pad their own pockets or finical interest would be held accountable thus protecting those 11.5 million lives for the betterment of society, the heart of the goal of pub.l. 93-647.

Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support, filed in Vermont District Court is a perfect example that regardless of the laws enacted, the jurisdiction granted, the Judicial Courts of the United States, the States Courts, are no longer the governing bodies in the checks and balance system they have once been designed to be. That is not to say that every Judge who holds the "sitting" of such "offices" and wields the power on behalf of the "people" in which they serve are corrupted by the absolute power; however it does demonstrate a great concern for absolute power corrupting absolutely. The Court in this case, denied jurisdiction for issues and facts pertaining to alleged enforcement, access to the OCS programs, equally for the rights she and her minor offspring could have benefited from by the services and programs which are clearly established.

Section 8 Child Support Enforcement Showing Federal Jurisdiction

Monday, June 17, 2019

Income Evidence of a Man Title IV-D Claimed FFP Reimbursements for Alleged Enforcement

     The day a woman gets pregnant, is a day in which the legends of society say are the "happiest" moments of her life. That is if the illusion of the dream of meeting the "right" guy, getting married and settling down in that "white-picket fence" is actually not just the ideology sold in the fairy-tales told to children. In turn who grow up to be adults without the comprehension to actually have governance over their own abusively enculturated ego's, the mind of this sophisticated lie sold to the social culture. Basically, it isn't until they are damaged by others intentionally abusive behavior that they ever are able to grasp how anyone would knowingly hurt another human being to such lengths, depths, and depravity.

      In, order, to understand the injustice hidden deep in the basement of the foundations, rotten to the core, one must understand, have the ability to stand under the weight required to comprehend the strength is necessary. Required to break the chains of the enculturated, the mind, the ego. The moral sense, body, heart-knowing human beings would be able to comprehend that withholding information regarding a bonus, from a contract negotiation on November 20th, 2007, when the airline pilots had prior knowledge they would be voting on the contract, is intended to withhold and knowingly lie to a Court about financial information on an alleged scheduled hearing set for November 7th, 2007 for alleged divorce proceedings. The same with purchasing a house and refusing to disclose to the other in divorce proceedings. It is all too common in this modern day of civility, this sophistication in time, even when it need not be.

    That fancy, finger-tip quick google search, the flick, the stroke of the fingers, shows that in October, the agreement had all but been reached and it was just a matter of "formal" procedures to lead to the signing to make it official that, Adam Todd George, understood he would get a bonus check and a salary increase in a matter of time. November 2007 the union on his behalf knowingly signed the contract which he had already voted on or was set to vote on. He signed an alleged financial affidavit, in Cobb County, which failed to include the known bonus and increase in income. Despite the account that Bahji had requested on multiple occasions the discovery information pertaining to Adam Todd George, the Office of Child Support, and Kristen Vanckren, when Bahji requested discovery threatened Bahji with saying Bahji's email requesting discovery would be forwarded to "officials" as Kristen made statements that Bahji providing a "good-faith effort" in obtaining discovery for purpose of modification, was somehow making a "threat" to her regarding her blatant refusal to deny Bahji access to the office of child support programs, for purpose of modification which includes the incomes of both parties. The use of an office to claim something which is not accurate or true, and so far removed from its truth. The evidence of Mr. George's income is that of just under $100.00 an hour, per flight hour, with an anual income of upward of a six-figure salary and over the past decade has earned upward of 1 Million dollars in his own income derived from his employment as a pilot. Despite this, he believes that the "child support" of an additional $7,200.00 a year is "need" to reduce the alleged child from "needing" support in order to claim Title IV-D services, welfare services from the Office of Child Support, as remember his case was never listed as Non-IV-D according to State expenditures filed with the Federal government.

     Bahji, however, was by all definitions, "chronically homeless", pursuant to domestic violence, as defined by federal law; " each period separating the occasions must include at least 7 nights of living in a situation other than a place not meant for human habitation, in an emergency shelter, or in a safe haven". She was forced to live in "crew-operations" when communicating to work and the company did not send her on overnights, she paid for a hotel when she was able to "afford" such. She flew to stay with friends, on her off days, to crash on their couches, which meets no federal definition of a "safe place" to live.

    The point is the system is "rigged". It is designed so that the dis-ease is made, so that the system can administer the "cure". Until good-people actually start to abide in silence, quit the monkey mind and become the change by being the change in this once great nation, the almighty collective power of a civilized society, the issues will not change. Those in a position to abuse the ones who are most vulnerable, the people peopling, will continue to grow, as many witness today in this dis-eased circling wheel of a never-ending negative, abusive spiral in a downward direction into the depths of the abyss at the bottom of the vast and all crushing great ocean.

ASA Signing Bonus November 2007

Compensation for ASA Airline Pilot

Quick finger Tip Google Search

The Power of Silence

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Title IV-D and Non IV-D Common Sense Education 101

The Office of Child Support works under two subparts: Welfare and Non-Welfare. The welfare is known as Title IV-D cases, which are authorized for FFP, Financial Federal Participation pursuant to Public Law 93-647 which Congress authorized for FFP funds to Prevent, Reduce, and Eliminate the need for children and vulnerable adults to be forced into seeking Welfare Assistance from the State and funded by the Federal Government, meaning public taxpayers dollars. 

The Office of Child Support for the State of Georgia and the State of Vermont, claimed, via the pleadings filed in the Vermont Superior Court as well as evidenced on the Vermont District Court docket demonstrating that Adam Todd George, private individual who claims custodial parents rights and Kristen Vanckren, Vermont Office of Child Support Attorney for civil contempt against alleged non-custodial parents, that the Cost associated with such alleged enforcement had been non-title IV-D. This was anything but true according to the logged financial records filed with the Federal Office of Child Support, ("Evidence of Intent of OCS to Defraud Federal FFP Funds"). 

The State according to the Federal records demonstrates the State was provided financial reimbursement for the cost associated with the alleged enforcement against, Bahji Adams, on behalf of while not on behalf of Adam Todd George, who makes upward of a six-figure salary who somehow is a welfare recipient, Title IV-D. At the same time, they claim he is not a Title IV-D welfare recipient and able to access the office of child support pursuant to such regulations, federal rules of Title IV-D funds.  The Federal Office of Child Support, public disclosure for Non-IV-D Costs for the Five Consecutive Fiscal Years in 2012 - 2016 states that both Georgia and Vermont had no cost associated with Non-Title IV-D caseloads. This means that even though Adam Todd George is not authorized in accordance with governing law due to his financial status, as he is not in "need" or in "poverty", the Office of Child Support was including the "cost" associated with them "not" representing him while, "representing" him at the same time in order to seek FFP funds for any alleged enforcement measures against Bahji Adams to be reimbursed by federal funding. 

The OSCE clarifies, exactly what Bahji argued in the federal court which the State does not serve the alleged custodial parent, in this case, it serves the State, the public interest and the minor child's interest regarding the economic, mental, emotional, and physical well-being of both parents. Meaning, the State's interest at no time aligned with the alleged custodial parent, Adam Todd George, it aligned with the interest of Bahji Adams, the alleged non-custodial parent who was being unlawfully reduced and forced into welfare. They knowingly placed her under duress, subjecting her to distress, which is the social trend of declaring paper wars, domestic terrorism, inflicting terror upon Bahji's and the minor child's Constitutional Rights of which enslaved her to no end. This is demonstrated by the words of the OCSE own language for clarification, "IV-D services in non-AFDC cases that the State attorney does not "represent" the parent, and that, in the case of a conflict between the interests of the State, and those of the parent, the IV-D attorney will represent the State. As a practical matter, it is advisable for IV-D attorneys to notify any parent on whose behalf a case is worked that the attorney represents the State. The attorney may wish to provide examples to inform the parent of the implications of that fact (no attorney/client relationship is formed between them). Should a judge or judicial officer inquire about the attorney's "client" the attorney may wish to politely inform the judge that the "client" is in fact the State". 

The interest of the State is to act in accordance with Public Law, Pub.L.93647 which reads codified under 42 1347, "SEC. 2001. For the purpose of encouraging each State, as far practicable under the conditions in that State, to furnish services directed at the goal of— " (1) achieving or maintaining economic self-support to prevent, reduce, or eliminate dependency, "(2) achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency, including reduction or prevention of dependency, "(3) preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests, or preserving, rehabilitating, or reuniting families, "(4) preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional care by providing for community-based care, home-based care, or other forms of less intensive care, or "(5) securing referral or admission for institutional care when other forms of care are not appropriate, or providing services to individuals in institutions, there is authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States under section 2002."

In every facet, Bahji's interest and the interest of the minor child on behalf of his mother, aligned with what was required to be the actions of the State interest, this brings about the fact of the clear intent of Kristen and Adam Todd George to use the powers granted to the Office of Child support for private personal profit, abusing the power invested to the State office, placing Bahji under abuse of color of law.

In 2016, the Vermont Superior Court finally stopped the Office of Child Support abuse directed at Bahji Adams, liberty, life, in some facets by placing an Order in the Court record "stopping", by "withdrawal" and "termination" of the alleged Child Support "services" and alleged "enforcement" which had taken place over the last 12 plus years, in the Courts and outside of the Courts. The State of Georgia, released the "lein" they had against Bahji's "tax-returns" in 2017, January, several months after the Vermont Superior Court Order which released the Office of Child Support Programs from providing "services" to "either party". All while both states, refused to perform in accordance with federal clarification and request made by Bahji showing: "There is no conflict in the government attorney advocating a reduction in child support payments pursuant to his statutory duties", as clarified by the Federal Office of Child Support." 

Meanwhile, Kristen Vanckren, Office of Child Support for the State of Vermont, In October of 2017, is informing via email, that, such events in the Vermont Superior Court, did not transpire and is requiring the employer, SouthWest Airlines, Inc., at that time to continue with the IWO, Income Withholding Order, a known administrative service, to be provided on behalf of Adam George. This action not only violated the State Court Order, which terminated services to Adam Todd George, but also the federal rules of regulations to case-closure, as well as Bahji's several fundamental rights to equal access to the laws in multiple facets, thus amounting to terrorism against Bahji's basic humanity and liberty interest, via paper filings , attitudes, and actions taken in stark contrast to clearly established rights and laws Bahji had rights to participate in and exercise. Specifically what the Federal Office of Child Support clarifies on their website:

"Consequently, it is conceivable that an absent parent may request a review to obtain a reduction in the amount of child support previously ordered. In addition, if appropriate, the State must adjust the order in accordance with State guidelines for setting child support award amounts." OCSE, further clarifies, "If States are unbiased in the application of child support guidelines, then they should proceed with a review in all eligible cases regardless of the nature of the request or the anticipated outcome."

Vermont Office of Child Support Order 2016 Termination of Services

Congressional Enactment of Pub.L.93-647

Evidence of Intent of OCS to Defraud Federal FFP Funds

Explaining NON-Title IV-D and Title IV-D Child Support cases

Federal OCSE Clarification individuals Served

The Poverty Industry Book Link

Abide in Silence

YouTube Videos on Title IV-A/D

Turner v. Rogers Oral Argument

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Title IV-D "Reminding Rules"

    Statements of financial papers for all State Office of Child Support Agencies must be registered with the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement Office. The statements include how many 'actual' Title IV-D cases are recorded for the purpose of Federal Financial Participation, ("FFP") reimbursements of $.66 for every dollar spent towards alleged enforcement measures. Meaning, the Office of Child Support for the States need not actually be a success in enforcement, they merely require the variable of the parties, the child, the parents, even if unable for compliance, in their ongoing Ponzi scheme.

      Executive Order requires the Office of Child Support to take actions for modification 'if' the alleged non-custodial parent could spend time in jail and the maximum that an alleged non-custodial parent could spend time in jail is limited to 6 months for civil contempt of court for alleged failure to pay child support. ( rules).

   It is listed on several websites and quick google search reveals such truth that States are apprised of such "reminding rules" reinforcing laws pertaining to non-custodial rights, child support modifications, and their rights to access OCS programs. (
One such rule makes it evident that the Office of Child Support intended to discriminate against Bahji due to her medically-verified disabilities by denying her right to medical care, medical leaves, and the ability to address her medical therapy implementations, by denying her case closure and instead attacking her disabilities. They knowingly violated regulation Section 303.11—Case Closure Criteria Paragraph (b)(8) "states that case closure is permitted when a IV–D agency has determined that throughout the duration of the child’s minority (or after the child has reached the age of majority), the noncustodial parent cannot pay support and shows no evidence of support potential because the parent has been institutionalized in a psychiatric facility, is incarcerated, or has a medically-verified total and permanent disability." Regulation Closure due to Medically Verified Disabilities

      Bahji in the case of Adams v. Vermont Office of Child Support placed such evidence before the Vermont District Court demonstrating that they knew that the Office of Child Support had no "non-Title IV-D" filed on their records and that they had no "non-custodial parents modifications" listed as expenses filed on their records for the State of Vermont. The link below demonstrates Doc 40, filed with the Vermont District Court page. 8 of 17 showing that the Office of Child Support states all agents, officers, state-actors are to be in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act and it further demonstrates on page 9 of 17 that the Office of Child Support shows: "Federal Share" of Title IV-A, "collections" is "$274,323", as well as, "$1,999,176" for Federal share expenditures with a quarterly estimate of "$2,079,016" for the quarter of 2015. Section A expenditure shows for "regular", Title IV-D cost total "$3,239,372" with "$0" cost towards "Non-Title IV-D" at "1c. Administrative Cost: Non IV-D". This is just for the State of Vermont public disclosure. Meaning that the State of Vermont only listed Title IV-D for federal financial participation reimbursement. Showing no non-custodial modification despite the right for non-custodial to access OCS programs for purpose of modification(s).

   Billy Jo Raymond, OCS Federal Program Chief, which states that the Office of Child Support for the State of Vermont, "cannot modify, change, of amend your child support order and must abide by the terms." However, in the prior blogs at this statement is inaccurate and it demonstrates the State Actors understood the two-state process for the application of modification process to have such filed with the Courts in the alleged original state and that the state actors knowingly refused to provide such services to Adams in stark contrast to the Office of Child Supports Enforcement for the Federal Agency demonstrated in the link, that they all knew what they were doing, by slicing Bahji's life force with each paper they filed against her and each denial was creating a bleeding of her vital life force piece by piece.

    Furthermore, when Bahji requested reasonable access via accommodations to the Office of Child Support Programs, Paul Wolff sent the information to the same attorney who had been knowingly denying Bahji access to modification based on her disabilities, Kristen Vanckren, page 12 of 17, filed in the Court record of Vermont. Furthermore, January of 2016, after the first unlawful restraint of Bahji Adams, placed in custody back in October of 2015 when Kristen Vanckren, State OCS actor withheld Brady evidence, Agency of Human Resources Letter October 29th, 2015 withholding evidence.The State actors knowingly violated, "§ 303.6—Enforcement of Support Obligations In the final rule, we amended § 303.6(c)(4) to require States to establish guidelines for the use of civil contempt citations in IV–D cases. The guidelines must include requirements that the IV–D agency must screen the case for information regarding the noncustodial parent’s ability to pay or otherwise comply with the order".

     This known action by state-actors lead to a two-day hunger strike, her toes turning blue and her waking up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder from the inability to feel her legs while in state custody. After which the Office of Child Support began the "illusion" of the two-state process with an email demonstrating that the Central Office of Child Support for the State of Georgia, claimed they never received the application for alleged "modification" of the order that both states claimed they were using simulating process, to implement against Bahji's life and liberty; thus the Paper Wars, domestic terrorism against low-income, individuals with Disabilities, who are parents to children. This behavior is no more lawful kidnapping than any kidnapping is regardless of if the State allows it through the alleged social civilization and sophistication in which they hide and continue the racketeering abuse, see Paper Wars. The co-operative agreement demonstrates they knowingly with intent refused to obey 45 CFR 303.107 co-operative requirements:

The State must ensure that all cooperative arrangements:
(a) Contain a clear description of the specific duties, functions and responsibilities of each party;
(b) Specify clear and definite standards of performance which meet Federal requirements;
(c) Specify that the parties will comply with title IV-D of the Act, implementing Federal regulations and any other applicable Federal regulations and requirements;
(d) Specify the financial arrangements including budget estimates, covered expenditures, methods of determining costs, procedures for billing the IV-D agency, and any relevant Federal and State reimbursement requirements and limitations;
(e) Specify the kind of records that must be maintained and the appropriate Federal, State and local reporting and safeguarding requirements; and
(f) Specify the dates on which the arrangement begins and ends, any conditions for revision or renewal, and the circumstances under which the arrangement may be terminated.

As clarified by the Federal Office of Child Support: "3.§303.107(c): Arrangements must specify that the parties will comply with title IV-D of the Act, implementing regulations and any other applicable Federal regulations and requirements.To ensure that all IV-D functions are performed in accordance with approved State plans and all relevant Federal requirements, the rule requires all arrangements to specify that applicable Federal requirements will be met by the parties to the arrangement. The State should ensure that key Federal and State laws or regulations that apply to the services and actions provided under the arrangement are available to the parties".
Cooperative-arrangements Final Rule

Title 54 CFR 303.107 Co-Operative Agreement

OSCE requirements of OCS State Statements

Vermont District Court Doc. pg. 8 of 17

Learn to Quit the Monkey Mind and Regain Empowerment

OCS Program Performance per State

Turner v Rogers Oral Argument

Friday, June 14, 2019

Evidence of Knowingly Denying Access to Office of Child Support Offices

     Death by a thousand paper cuts, the truth is hidden in the lies. Title IV-D is a federal funded State-Federal Co-operative, which many human beings are unaware of until that day of daily living, people peopling, comes knocking at the door to the matrix of a fixed reality. In this reality of the Social Security Act, the administration, of such public funds and state actors allegedly acting on the minor child or children's best interest, the virus spreads from being deeply rooted in the seed of the mind of men, stripping away at the fund-e-mental of a once great nation.

     The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement is bound to act responsibly within the laws of its own construction. One such construction is access to modification for both parents regardless of the status of term assigned to them as custodian. The Office of Child Support Enforcement, ("OCSE") in their Action Transmittal 93-30, Final Regulation, clearly established alleged custodial and non-custodial parents are able to access the services, programs, via rights for purpose of modification of alleged child support orders.

     This secret hidden away from the public domain has been the seed of great chaos, destruction, and abuse of simulating an alleged legal process by state actors to stimulate a financial reward for kidnapping behavior, as it amounts to the kidnapping first starting on paper. The new evolving Paper Wars, paving the way for the modern debtor's prison system of this modern civilization.

    The case of Adams v. The Vermont Office of Child Support is one such example of speaking the truth, no longer a radical act, it is a shovel in which one's grave is dug; leading to the dead killed by a thousand paper cuts slashed upon those individuals who only wished to be treated with human dignity, the rightmost individuals understand to be a structured foundation of a civilized society.

     Instead, she was unlawfully restrained, kidnapped for speaking the truth which the Title IV-D program actors all knew where their fiduciary responsibility to stop the onslaught of abuse directed at her. October 27th, 2015, see the letter below, the Vermont Office of Child Support withheld evidence regarding Bahji's medical impairments until after an alleged civil contempt hearing was held on October 25th, 2015 which resulted in the 1st unlawful incarceration, unlawful restraint of the actual body, forced into state-custody. Bahji had made ample request for modification with the Office of Child Support, she stood her ground, her Constitutional rights. The federal office of Child Support on its website shows Bahji had those rights, the evidence listed below, Brady evidence, demonstrates that the Vermont attorney, Kristen Vanckren had knowledge that Bahji was a dislocated worker since July of 2015 as well as having medically-verified medical disabilities months before the alleged hearing.  By law authorized statutorily enacted pursuant to federal rights, the laws warranted modification of an any alleged order by her instead of alleged enforcement measures.

    The OSCE, states, "representation", # 36. "What is the role of the IV-D agency in assisting noncustodial parents in modification proceedings under UIFSA? Answer: The IV-D agency must provide all appropriate services to individuals who apply (including noncustodial parents). If a noncustodial parent makes an application for services, all appropriate services must be provided. The applicant cannot pick and choose which services will be provided. If there is an existing IV-D case, there is no need for the noncustodial parent to apply for services to request review and modification of an order."

    The OCSE list this on their website, federal publication of the rules and regulations required to be provided to the public:

     The OCSE has known case-closure rules and regulations, location IX. Noncustodial parents applicants for IV-D services:

Pertaining to non-custodial parents: Regulation 302.33(a) "provides that child support services established under a State plan shall be made available to any individual who files an application for the services with the IV-D agency. The language in both the Act and the regulation allow noncustodial parents to apply for IV-D services if they file an application with the IV-D agency., as specified in 302.33(a)(1). It is OCSE policy that because the statute specifically states that any individual may apply for IV-D programs services, we cannot exclude a category of applicants. It would clearly be illogical to allow noncustodial parents to apply for services and not allow them to request case closure." 

   Despite this knowing, the attorney of record for the "State", Kristen Vanckren did knowingly subject Bahji Adams to torment, torture and pain with the intent to harm Adams, as she identifies in her own email to, at that time, Bahji's employer, Southwest Airlines, Inc. That although the Vermont Superior Court has 'withdrawn' the 'services' to be provided to 'both parties' by Court order on November 2016 or thereabout, Kristen intended to use the 'services' and 'programs' against Bahji Adams, after the Court ordered that no 'services' and 'programs' would be provided to either party.

Evidence of Email of intent to deny access to Modification

    In the email, Kristen Vanckren, attorney for the Office of Child Support, State of Vermont, states that the only way to stop the 'garnishment', the known abuse under color of law, was to have the alleged order modified, of which in the complaint filed in the Vermont Federal District Court demonstrates that all parties refused to allow Adams access to. Kristen claims, that "modification" is the only way to stop the Child Support Offices services, and she even makes reference to "sending" the issue to the Georgia Office of Child Support, via the 'interstate transmittal' of the 'two-state process', which she knowingly denied Bahji access to. By stating such "request" that Georgia sends an updated IWO, she violates the Vermont Superior Court Order of November 2016 and Federal Rules and Regulations pertaining to case closure, as well as Bahji's multiple Constitutional Rights. The same link above which speaks to the applications of non-custodial parents and case-closure states that in it's 'Preamble to the Final Rule on Program Standards (54 FR 32284, at 32303, August 4, 1989), showing it has been clearly established law dating back to 1989. Thus any individual state actor had knowledge that what they were doing attacking parents via Paper Wars is a form of domestic terrorism, inflicting terror upon a class of parents unable to avail themselves of the abuse. The OCSE states, "it", "means that services under the IV-D program will no longer be provided."

   Garnishments are 'leins' used in this modern days debtors prison system, Paper Wars, being used to knowingly kill by a thousand paper cuts. Be the change you wish to see by being that change.

Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts

Agency of Human Resources Letter October 29th, 2015 withholding evidence

Letter to OCS Dislocated Worker Evidence 2015

Turner v. Rogers Youtube Oral Argument

The Power of Paper used by the illusion of Sophistication

Tyrants use the force of guns in-order to place individuals under their thumbs. Sophisticated Tyrants, use paper, with the force of the gun...